the depression was to much

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its the girl who looks so happy

the girl with so many problems

the girl who's fighitng depresion

the drugs keeps her from drowning

but it kills all of her fellings

she's not drowning in sorrow no more

but she can't feel any happiness either

parents who never cared

she did her best for the friends

the few that she had

but it was just to much

she cries all night

no one hears her

no one ever cared

just the few friends

and even then

all they saw

was the fake

the girl that she was

when she was on the meds

too keep the depression at bay

they didn't understand

just how bad it was

no one did

the fight

it was what drove her

over the edge

the few friends she had

the first friend

that she'd ever made

the first person

to accept her

depression and all

'i'll never forgive you! i hate you!'

those words stung like a whip

the depression beat her

it was just too much

the one person

that she'd stayed alive for

not hated her

now her friends hated her

what was the point in living?

that same day

she threw herself

of the clif

where she and her friends

used to always play

where they'd first met

but it didn't matter

there was no point to her life

the note she'd left

knowing her friend would balme herself

the last thing she did

she jumped off the cliff

she jumped into the water

the cold mericless water

she drowned

but she didn't care

she'd already drowned in her depression

she'd given it her best

but it wasn't enough

the note that she left

to the friend

who tried to stop her

'don't blame yourself

it wasn't you fault

its just to much

i can't take it anymore

please don't blame yourself

you were my best friend

please don't do what i did

live a long life

don't end your life like me

have a good life

die of old age'

but what she doesn't know

is that the friend

blames herself

for what happened

the last words she said

'i hate you'

the words she cant take back

she'll never forgive herself

for her sake

i hope there's an afterlife

so that i can see her again

my best friend

so that i can take back

the last words i said to her

i didn't hate her

she was my best friend

poems for my friendsWhere stories live. Discover now