losing control

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Losing control

Charlie’s point of view

Sitting in total silence, I sighed. “Anyone want anything to drink” I asked broadly.

Harry put his hand up and I sighed. He walked over to me and made me stand up. Harry leaned into my neck and was about to bite when Marcus stood up. “Stop” he commanded.

I turned my head to look at him and gave him a confused look. Stopping a mate from feeding was punishable by death! “She’s ours; so we can feed” Harry growled at Marcus.

Marcus growled back and then backed down. “Sorry my king” Marcus told harry. 

Harry leant back into my neck and I pushed him away. He growled in response. I ignored him and faced the other boys. “What did he mean by king” I asked them confused.

Liam looked at the boys and then at me. “Let harry feed and then we’ll explain” Liam told me.

I sighed and nodded to harry. He wrapped his arm around my waist; I felt his fangs scrape my neck. I shivered as I remembered my nightmare. “Relax he whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath and he bit down into my neck. Liam looked at me and I winced. Slowly I began to see black dots in my vision and I slumped backwards against harry. But harry didn’t stop drinking. My vision faded and everything went black.

Liam’s point of view

Keeping my eyes on Charlie; I saw her eyes close and she slumped back against harry. “Harry stop” I told him.

Harry didn’t listen and carried on drinking, ripping into her neck. I struggled to contain my vampire side.

‘Rip him apart” My conscience told me.

“Do it” my vampire agreed.

I shook my head and nodded to zayn. He sped over to harry and ripped him off Charlie. I ran over to her and bit my wrist, I put it to her mouth, and she didn’t drink. “Louis I need you to try and heal her, zayn get harry out of here” I shouted barking orders at everyone.

Louis ran over to mean and put his hand a couple of cm away from her neck; the rips in her neck slowly healed. Louis moved his hand away but her heartbeat was still really weak. I looked at niall and saw he was struggling to keep control.

I was too focused on keeping Charlie’s heart beat going and listing to what was happing with her heart. Her heart beat faltered and I panicked. I started CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Louis stroked Charlie’s hair out of her face. “Come one Charlie; wake up” he whispered to her.

She didn’t respond. Marcus came into the room and froze at the sight. 

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