65. Don't You Go -Pete Wentz

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This is based on that one All Time Low song that is literally one of the cutest songs ever.

The smell of food cooking, wafted from the kitchen, effectively snapping Pete out of his morning stupor.

He rubbed his fist over his eyes and climbed out of bed languidly.

You smiled as you heard him slowly trudge down the stairs. Pete made sure to demonstrate just how tired he was by making his descent as noisy as possible.

His eyes lit up as he saw you standing at the stove, making pancakes. You were in one of his many holey Metallica t-shirts, and in that moment, he swore you could have never looked more beautiful.

"Good morning, babe." He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek.

"Good morning Pete." You leaned back into him and stacked the freshly made pancake onto the plate.

Pete squeezed your sides gently and rubbed some flour off of your cheek. "Busy morning?" He asked jokingly.

You turned the stove off. "I can assure you, it was busier than what you did all morning."

He shuffled out of your way as you carried the hot pan to the sink. "Hey, sleep is a very serious thing and if done incorrectly it can be dangerous."

You rolled your eyes. "I highly doubt that you were sleeping incorrectly, since you practice doing it for about twelve hours a day."

"But I was doing it incorrectly." Pete grabbed a couple pancakes with his bare hands and juggled them to his plate. "I wasn't sleeping with you. I woke up and you were gone." He pouted and then doused the pancakes in syrup.

"Oh poor you." You grinned and grabbed your own plate of pancakes. "You tortured romantic you."

Pete dramatically climbed on top of his chair. "Fair maiden, you are the air that I breathe. You are the reason my world spins; unlike the pretentious noobs that believe gravity is the cause. You are the reason my heart beats with desire. You are the reason my dick hardens-"

"Okay Peter." You held a hand up quickly. "I don't think I've ever heard the words 'noob' or 'dick' in a declaration of love before."

Pete dropped into his chair and took your hand in his. "That is because those other gentleman do not have the power of words like I do." He pressed a long kiss to your hand.

You grin widened. "Where was that so called power of words when you first asked me to sleep with you?"

"They were suppressed by the alcohol." Pete admitted, cutting into his pancakes. "However, I still think I did a good job, I mean, you did agree to sleep with me." He said with his mouth full.

"You were quite the charmer." You agreed, sipping from your glass of milk.

"I had to be, since you agreed to sleep with me again." Pete smiled at you. "And now here we are, sharing a house."

"And still sleeping together." You pointed out.

"That too." Pete leaned over and pressed his sticky, syrup covered lips to yours. "I'm glad I asked for that second one night stand."

"And I'm glad I agreed to it." You kissed him back.

Some cute Pete fluff for all of you Pete fuckers. Can I just say that I love you all so much. This book has come so far. I just wanna say thanks for inspiring me to keep writing and for your constant support. I love you all ~XOZoe

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