21. Runaways Part Two (Joe Trohman)

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"Psst." Joe nudged you gently. "Babe."

"What?" You mumbled sleepily.

"Wakey, wakey." He whispered in your ear and wrapped his arms tighter around your waist. "Time to hit the road again."

"Do we have to?" You pulled the blanket around you tighter.

Joe smiled and kissed your shoulder. "I promise we'll make it to Chicago by the end of the day."

You cuddled into him more. "Five more minutes."

"I'm gonna go take a shower, you've got until then." Joe kissed your cheek and rolled out of bed.

You cuddled into the blankets more, thinking about the past few days you'd been on the road with Joe.

You two had taken your time, not in any particular rush, and enjoyed the road trip up here, stopping at the various tourist traps and just enjoying life on the road.

It hit you though, that you had never really thought about what life in Chicago was going to be like, or if you were ever going to return back to your family. You would have liked to stay with Joe forever, but that wasn't really realistic; seeing as you were two teens with a limited amount of funding.

But you shoved those thoughts to the back of your mind, this was an adventure, and it was bound to be full of ups and downs, but that was life.

And you thought you were fully prepared for whatever rollercoaster life would take you on....boy were you wrong.


It had been about two months since you and Joe had arrived in Chicago, and you were now currently sharing a house with one of his friends named Pete. It wasn't a particularly horrible situation, at least you weren't living on the streets or anything. You did, however, have to deal with Pete Wentz.

Again, this was nothing compared to not having a house, it just wasn't your ideal situation.

But you were happy, to a degree. No constant fighting from your parents was a complete step up from daily life where you used to live. The downside, you barely saw Joe anymore, since he was working at some music store with Pete, and your relationship was on ice.

One evening, it got especially bad.

"(Y/N)." Joe banged on the door of the room you two shared. "Open the fucking door right now."

"Piss off, Joe." You yelled back and stuffed your things into a backpack.

"Seriously, open this door right now before I break it down." He threatened.

"Go ahead and then explain to Pete why the door is broken." You zipped the bag.

Joe ran a hand through his hair frustrated. "Can we talk about this please?"

You opened the door and shoved past him. "There's not much to talk about, I'm going home."

He wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you back towards him. "You're not going anywhere. Please babe, let's just talk about it."

"We've been talking about this for months. This isn't working for me, I barely see you anymore. You're always working." You pulled away from him.

"I have to or we're gonna be homeless." Joe said. "It's not like I'm leaving you just to leave you."

"And I get that, but this isn't what I thought it was going to be." You shook your head.

"You thought this was gonna be some magic fairy tale, that we were just gonna live happily ever after and not have to work for anything?" Joe shouted, making you jump. "That's bullshit (Y/N), this is a big city, we're not in fucking Kansas Toto. We're lucky I knew someone here or trust me the situation would be way worse."

"I can't do this anymore." You backed away from him. "We should have never came here, I'm going home."

"So you're gonna walk away from me, from us, because things got tough?" He yelled. "And you're gonna go back to a toxic house, instead of staying with me, someone who would never hurt you?"

"This was your idea-"

"You said you wanted to go to Chicago!" Joe slammed his hand onto the wall. "I didn't say anything about leaving the state, or even leaving the goddamn county."

"You could have talked me out of it, but you didn't." You shouted.

"See, that's the thing." He glared at you. "You always want to run away from your problems. So go ahead, be a quitter and walk out that door right now, just realize that we had the chance to fix this and you didn't take it."

And then he said the words that set you off.

"You're just like your parents." Joe spat.

You slapped him, right across the face. He stared at you shocked, holding a hand to his face. You stared at the fresh, red handprint on Joe's cheek. His mouth dropped open as he continued to stare at you.

"Goodbye Joe." You said and walked out of the house, leaving your now ex-boyfriend to stare after you, a surprised look still on his face.


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