29. Amnesia Pt. 2 (Patrick Stump)

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"You mean he doesn't remember anything?" You looked down at the cup of tea you were holding.

Doctor Brown shook his head. "He remembers everything up until last year, from there, it's like his memory has been washed clean."

"Last year is when I met him, that's when we started dating." You said quietly, to no one in particular. "What are his chances of remembering?"

The doctor looked down at his notes and sighed. "They're not good. We don't know for sure, of course. But as of right now, the chances are slim."

Even though you were expecting that answer, tears filled your eyes and you played with your engagement ring.

You leaned back against the wall and covered your face with your hand. Your boyfriend was in the next room, fiancé was in the next room, scared out of his mind and there was nothing you could do without him screaming at you.

"Is there anything I can do to make him remember me?" You asked.

Dr. Brown placed his hand on your shoulder. "As far as I can tell right now, you've got two options. You can either try to jog his memory, or you can move on with your life and hope he eventually remembers you."

"How could I move on with my life when the man I love is sitting in a hospital bed and has no idea who I am? How do you expect anyone to be able to move on?" You desperately wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket.

"Either choice you choose will be hard; I can tell you that right now. And both choices will require you to keep on going." He squeezed your shoulder and smiled. "Good luck (Y/N)."

You crossed the hall and looked into the window at Patrick, who was on his side, staring at the wall.

How was such an important area of his life just erased from his memory, how could you even bear to watch the love of my life struggling to even remember who you were.

"Anything could be the trigger that makes him remember. So keep trying." The doctor encouraged and walked away.

I mentally prepared myself before going into the room.

Patrick turned sat up quickly and looked at me. "What are you doing here? You can't be in here."

You held a finger up, interrupting him. "Patrick, I need to talk to you."

"About what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"About us-"

"There is no us." He interrupted, making you wince.

"Just listen to my side of the story. Do you really think the doctors would let me in if I was just some random fan?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

Patrick opened his mouth and closed it.

"Exactly." I said. "So you're gonna listen to what I have to say."

Patrick looked back at me stubbornly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because...because. I'm pregnant." You said, biting your lip.

Patrick's jaw dropped. "Wait, what? No."

"I was gonna tell you when you got back from Pete's party. But then this happened."

"That's not my kid." Patrick said. "I don't even know you. I'm not listening to this bullshit."

"Hey!" You shouted. "Either you listen to me, or I'll tell the press about this baby and once that's out, you won't be able to ignore me."

Patrick narrowed his eyes at me. "You're lying."

"Test me." You challenged.

"That's not my baby." Patrick repeated.

"Then test it when it's born." You shot back.

Patrick, seeing there was no way out of this situation, continued to stare at you. "Fine." He finally said. "What do you want to say?"

And if you wanna read the rest you're gonna have to read the fanfic that I am posting by the end of this week. Also, I updated three times in ONE DAY. That's pretty damn impressive, don't you think? ~xoZoe

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