97. How Would You Feel? - Joe Trohman

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This new Ed Sheeran album has given me plenty of new material to write about.

"Where are we going?" You asked Joe as he pulled off of the highway onto a deserted road.

Joe looked over at you and smiled. "It's a surprise." 

"Driving down a deserted road in the dead of night and my boyfriend tells me where we're going is a surprise. This sounds like the beginning of a standard Criminal Minds episode." You muttered, looking out the window. 

"You got me babe, I'm a serial killer and this is where I take all my victims before I snuff the light out of them." Joe rolled his eyes. "You're about to be lucky lady number eighteen." 

You chuckled. "Just promise me you'll send my body back to my parents."

"Of course, want me to send your fingernails and the empty bottles you sipped, too?" He raised an eyebrow.

You patted his cheek. "Oh how thoughtful of you." 

Joe slowed the car down to a crawl. "Close your eyes," he instructed.

"Is the part where you slit my throat and let me bleed out slowly?" You asked. 

"First of all, morbid." Joe leaned put the car in park and looked over at you. "Secondly, under no circumstances, will you bleed all over the interior of my beautiful car. Stella deserves better than that." 

You crossed your arms over your chest. "Should I be worried that you named your car?" 

"You're in the middle of nowhere, trust me honey, you have other things to be worried about. Now close your eyes." Joe covered your eyes with your hands.

"All this talk about being in the middle of nowhere is not helping me to trust that you are not a serial killer, Joe." You squeezed your eyes shut. 

The car began to move again. "Babe, the only thing I murder, is that bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, every morning." 

"I thought we were already at your mystery spot." You opened your fingers a little to peek through. 

Joe pushed your hands back up. "No peeking, we're almost there."

"Why do I feel like I'm about to unknowingly join a cult?" You mumbled. 

"Are you always this dramatic?" Joe chuckled. 

The car stopped once again, and you felt the vehicle shift as Joe placed it in park. 

"We're here now, you can look," Joe announced.

"Okay, but if I open my eyes and see Brendon and that kid from Stranger Things, I'm bolting." You pulled your hands away from your face, and gasped. 

Not in a "Oh my gosh, my boyfriend is a psycho serial killer" way, but more of a "oh my gosh my boyfriend just surprised me with a beautiful view of the city he's definitely getting laid tonight" kind of way. 

"It's beautiful." Your hand covered your hanging jaw. "How did you know about this?" 

Joe put his hands behind his head. "Pete and I found it. We were driving around, found that back road and decided to follow it."

You opened the car door and got out, wrapping your arms around yourself as the wind blew around you. "Wow, I think you can see my house from here." 

Joe pulled his sweatshirt and handed it to you. You accepted it quickly, pulling it onto your cold body. "Here. If you look right there, you can see where I lost my dignity, and there was the place I lost my will to live." He joked, wrapping his arms around your waist. 

"Seems like those are some significant spots." You smiled, leaning into his chest. 

Joe's lips traveled to your ear. "This one will be significant too." 

"Why's that?" You turned your head to look at him. "Please tell me you're not planning on having sex with me on this cliff, because if one of us rolls too far when changing-" 

He laughed, vibrations shaking his chest. "No it won't be significant because of that." 

You turned to face him. "Then why? You're not actually planning to kill me are you?" 

Joe's gaze softened, he took a lock of hair and twisted it between his fingers. "How would you feel if..."

"If you killed me?" You raised an eyebrow. "Something along the lines of, 'This sucks but-'"

He pressed his lips to yours, shutting you up. When he pulled away, his cheeks were tinged red. "(Y/N)," he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours. "I love you." 

Your eyes widened. "You-" 

"I love you," Joe said louder. "I love you so much." 

You smiled widely. "I love you too!" You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Wait," you said as he set you on your feet again. "Are you sure you didn't plan on getting laid up here." 

A smirk replaced his happy features. "I mean, I wasn't. But if you're offering, there are condoms and blankets in the car." 

"You sneaky son of a bitch!" You hit his chest. 

Joe kissed you again quickly. "Maybe, but, you love me, right?" 

Cutesy little imagine. The next one will either be funny or the heart-crushing next part of Afire Love. Idk, I'm flipping a coin tonight.

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