78. A Little "Positive Encouragement" -Pete Wentz

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You dragged Pete and your two boys into the school auditorium. "We have to find seats near the front," you reminded Pete. "We need to have a good view of Nirvana's first dance recital."

Bronx groaned. "Why do Saint and I have to be here? It's just a bunch of kids bouncing on stage in stupid costumes while their parents take videos."

"Because." You made sure Saint, who had his nose buried in a book, didn't hit a chair. "We go to your basketball games, the least you can do is watch Nirvana dance for ten minutes."

You found a couple seats near the front center.

"And I would much rather watch my kid do something they're even remotely good at," Pete muttered under his breath.

Bronx slumped down into his seat and immediately pulled out his phone, making you sigh.

Just as you were taking your seats, Nirvana's dance teacher, Mrs. Way, ran up to you.

"Hi," she said nervously, "are you Nirvana's parents?"

You and Pete nodded.

"Is she okay?" You asked.

Mrs. Way nodded. "Of course. She's just really nervous. She um, well she's hiding in a broom closet."

You and Pete exchanges worried looks.

"I've got it." Pete stood. "This looks like a job for Super Dad and his positive encouragement."


"Pst, Vana." Pete knocked on the closet door.

"Leave me alone!" His daughter yelled, kicking the door.

Pete leaned his forehead against the cool metal door. "Vana, you can come out of the closet. You know your mom and I will accept you, no matter what."

"Gay jokes," she replied, "haha, very funny dad."

"Are you sure you're not Patrick's daughter? Because you've got a lot of sass for such a tiny person."

The door swung open, revealing Pete's sassy seven year old daughter.

"There's my beautiful princess." Pete grinned.

Nirvana crossed her arms over her chest. "What do you want?"

"Well, I would like to be at home right now, watching a movie, and cuddling with my wife," Pete said. "But in order for that to happen, I need you take your little pink tutu and get up on that stage and dance."

Nirvana shook her head and sat down. "I don't want to. I suck."

"Oh come on, you can't suck that bad. You're my daughter, you don't suck at anything." Pete sat down beside her.

"Dad, I've seen you dance, you suck too." Nirvana put her head in her hands.

"Hurtful." Pete placed a hand over his heart.

Nirvana sighed. "Everyone's gonna laugh at me."

"I guarantee you they won't." Pete wrapped an arm around her small shoulders. "And if they do, just trip them and make it look like an accident."

Nirvana just shrugged, her shoulders slumped down further. "I don't think I can do it. Not without some motivation at least."

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