77. Joe Trohman Day

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"Joe," you mumbled, trailing kisses up his neck. "Joseph," you whispered in his ear. "Wake up."

Joe's arms tightened around your waist. "Stop doing that, you're gonna make me hard." He squeezed your hips. " Dammit," he groaned. "Too late."

You moved so you were straddling him. "C'mon Joe. Wake up, its your birthday."

"M'tired," Joe mumbled, closing his eyes again.

You leaned over him. "I sent Ruby and Nate away to stay with Andy, and they're spending the night."

He opened an eye lazily. "You mean...there's no one home?"

You shook your head. "Nobody."

Joe smirked. "Well, in that case..." He flipped you over. "Today should be fun."

Your giggles turned into moans as Joe began fixing his um...problem.


"What else do you want to do today?" You looked up at Joe.

He pulled you closer to his bare body. "I don't know, we could just order a pizza and watch Netflix."

You sat up, wrapping the blanket around your body. "We've been in bed all day, we should go out to dinner."

"But it's national Joe Trohman Day," Joe whined. "I get to choose what we do," Joe pulled you back down on top of him. "And right now I want to do you."

"Slow down horny boy." You rolled your eyes. "You've literally had me in bed the entire day."

"(Y/N)," Joe whined. "Please, just one more time."



"Fine," you agreed.


"But, after this we're going out to eat." You said, as Joe kissed your jaw.

"Fine by me." Joe mumbled.


"Are you ready to go?" You called to Joe, as you slipped on your shoes.

"Y'know." Joe walked down the stairs in a dress shirt and black jeans. "I don't think I want to go out today. I'm pretty tired."

"That's your own fault." You stood. "Shouldn't have spent your entire day in bed."

"Can we please just order a pizza?" Joe leaned against the wall.

You shook your head. "We're going out. You already agreed."

"I had my fingers crossed behind my back!" Joe admitted.

"For a 32 year old man you sure do act like you're 12." You crossed your arms over your chest. "You whine and you can't control your...friend."

"Hey little Trohman appears when he wants to appear!" Joe protested. "And what does that have to do with us ordering a pizza?"

"Ok! We can order the pizza!" You caved. "But no more sex for the rest of the evening!"


"No. More." You said sternly.

Joe walked towards you, until his body was pressed to yours. He looked down at you, a smirk on his face.


He pressed a finger to your lips. "Shh."

"Joseph!" You smacked his finger away.

"I've decided we should go out." He smirked.

You raised an eyebrow. "What are you planning?"

"Just a nice evening out with you." Joe continued smirking.

You shook your head. "Nuh uh. I know that look."

"So where do you want to eat?" He ignored you.

"Joe, what are you going to do?" You persisted.

He just grinned at you and pulled you out to the car.

And let's just say that Joe had a few trick up his sleeves. Bringing the total of times he got laid today up to- well, who's counting?

Happy birthday to my daddy- I mean role model Joe Trohman.

Also I'm writing a Joetrick fanfic. Does anyone want to read it?

Have an awesome national Joe Trohman Day

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