16. Runaways Part One (Joe Trohman)

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"You didn't pay the bills because you're a lazy, irresponsible son of a bitch. And now they've repossessed our car!" You heard your mom yell from your room upstairs.

"And you're only pissed about that because you can't sneak off to see your boyfriend anymore." Your dad yelled back.

"What I do is none of your concern anymore, we're getting divorced."

"Then get out of my house."

You wrapped your arms around yourself and huddled under the blankets.

"Fine, I'll leave, and I'm taking (Y/N) with me." Your mom threatened.

You sat up surprised. It wasn't uncommon for your parents to argue, but they never once brought you into their fights. And they had never threatened to take you away.

"Like hell you are." Your dad yelled back. "She's my kid too."

"What are you gonna do? Stop me?" She yelled. "If you so much as lay a finger on me, I will have your ass arrested for assault."

Your dad groaned in frustration. "She's not going anywhere."

"(Y/N)." Your mom pushed your door open. "Get ready, we're leaving in half an hour." She slammed the door.

You fumbled for your phone and dialed your boyfriend's number.

"(Y/N)." Joe said happily. "Hey babe."

"Joe." You said panicking.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"It's my parents, they're fighting and my mom just told my dad she was gonna take me away from him. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna leave you." You explained quickly.

"Ok, try to keep calm. Take a deep breath. I'll be there in ten minutes." Joe promised. "Hang tight. I love you."

"I love you too." You whispered.

"Ten minutes promise." Joe said quickly.

"Ok." You hang up and grabbed a duffle bag.

You stuffed whatever clothes and toiletries you could fit into it and waited by the window.

Ten minutes later, just as he promised, Joe's car pulled into your driveway.

You pocketed your phone and shimmied the window open before climbing down the tree outside your house.

Joe kissed you once you had climbed into the car. "Ready?"

You nodded and leaned back in the front seat. "Let's get the hell out of here and never come back."

"Sounds good to me." Joe pulled out of the driveway. "Where to first princess?" He asked as he sped away from your house.

You looked in the rearview mirror at your house as it grew smaller and smaller. "How's Chicago sound?" You put your feet up on the dashboard.

Haha, so sorry about not updating this for a week. Stuff's been hectic at home and quite frankly I've been binge watching Supernatural for the past like 10 days.... Yeah so I'll update soon ~xoZoe

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