35. Cancer - Pete Wentz

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You laid on your bed, staring at the text message from your mom.

It had been ten minutes since you received it, but it seemed like longer; ever since you saw it, time felt like it was running through Jell-O.

Tears fell onto your phone as you reread the message again.

From Mother Dearest: Hunter was admitted to the hospital after having migraines so bad his nose started bleeding. They think the cancer spread to his brain...They said that there's a high possibility that he's not coming out...I'm sorry (Y/N)

You and Hunter had been together since you were in diapers. Besides Pete, he was your best friend, and now in a matter of months he had been reduced to a pale thin ghost of his smiling self.

The thought was enough to make you cry so hard, you started hiccupping.

"Babe." Pete called, shutting the front door behind him. "(Y/N)?"

He was worried about you, you hadn't been returning any of his calls or text messages.

"Baby." He called again, you ignored him, not able to find your voice. "Where are you?" Pete climbed the stairs slowly.

You burrowed into the blankets, tears staining your pillowcase. You tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come.

Pete walked into the room, assessing the situation. You huddled in ball on the bed, your shoulders moving lightly as you cried, and your little sharp intakes of breath as you hiccupped.

"Darling." He said quietly, shuffling over to you. "What's wrong?"

"Hunter." You said quietly and handed your phone to him quickly.

Pete read the text message quickly, his eyebrows scrunching up as he scanned it. "Oh (Y/N)." He said, lying in bed beside you and hugging you to him.

You buried your face into his chest and cried, while Pete ran his fingers through your hair and whispered calming words to you.

"Shh." He mumbled, kissing your forehead and running his hands over your back and holding you tightly to him. "I'm right here. We'll get through this."

That was it, he just calmed you down. No false promises or any "it'll be okays" or any bullshit like that. He didn't just tell you what you wanted to hear because you wanted to hear it. And he didn't say 'I'm sorry' because he knew it wouldn't change anything, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Baby girl." Pete said quietly, tilting your chin upwards so your red eyes met his. "I'm here for you, we're gonna get through this together. I promise you that, you'll always have me." He kissed you quickly.

You rested your head on his chest and tangled your body with his, holding onto him for dear life, as if he were the anchor keeping you from being tossed in a storm.

Hey guys, I'm sorry if this sucked or whatever, but I needed to write this because writing helps me feel better. My best friend, who's also my ex -it's complicated- has been hospitalized. He's been battling cancer courageously for about two years now and they think the cancer has spread to his brain. My friend texted me tonight telling me that the docs think that this time he won't be coming out....

Anyways, thanks for putting up with this crappy imagine. I'll keep writing. Until next time, keep your boots tights, keep your gun close and staaaay aliiiiive.


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