25. Late Night (Pete Wentz)

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I updated this because I had this random Pete imagine laying around from and old story.

Loud, piercing cries woke me up, I groaned and glanced at the clock; it read 11pm.

The source of the crying, my one year old son Saint, continued screaming relentlessly oblivious to the much needed sleep he was interrupting.

"Mama's coming." I mumbled and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"I've got it." My husband whispered and squeezed my hip. "I think he started crying because of me."

I blinked my eyes a couple times and took in his rumpled Iron Maiden t-shirt and jeans. "Oh, you just got back."

"Mmhmm." Pete kissed my forehead and propped his bass against the wall. "I'll be right back."

A minute later, Saint stopped crying and I felt the bed dip and creak, as Pete sat down beside me.

"Shh, daddy is here." He whispered. "Don't cry anymore, I'm here." He rocked Saint back and forth, gently humming to him.

Pretty soon the only sound in the room was Saint's quiet steady breathing.

"Good job dad." I mumbled sleepily and buried my face into a pillow.

"Yeah, yeah." Pete chuckled and went to lay Saint in his crib.

I turned the lamp on the bedside table on and cringed from the sudden light that filled the room.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, ok babe?" Pete pulled his t-shirt over his head.

I nodded sleepily and sat up slowly, running a hand through my hair subconsciously.

He returned 10 minutes later with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did you tell Bronx goodnight on the way up?" I watched him get dressed.

"Yes love." He pulled a pair of boxers on and tossed the towel into the hamper. "I think that's why he started crying, I stepped on a Lego in the hallway." Pete got into bed beside me.

"I told Bronx to put his toys away." I groaned. "I'm sorry baby."

"It's ok." Pete pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. "How was your day?"

"Hectic." I cuddled into him. "How was your day?"

"It kicked my ass babe, I'm so tired." He groaned with great exaggeration.

"I take it the album is going ok then?" I looked into his hazel eyes.

"It's going great actually." Pete corrected. "Just a couple more late nights and then it's over."

"And replaced with tours and promotion deals and late night talk shows." I said.

Pete smiled apologetically and ran his fingers through my hair gently. "I know it's hard."

I closed my eyes. "Yeah it sucks." I agreed quietly.

"We'll get through it babe." He kissed my quickly. "Me and you forever baby girl."

I smiled into his chest. "I love you Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III." I mumbled.

"And I love you (Y/N/M/N) Wentz." Pete whispered, running a couple fingers down my back.

And for a moment, it didn't matter that Pete had to work late every night or that he seemed to never be around for me or the kids, none of that mattered, because he was here now and that was all that counted.

I am so sorry I haven't updated this book in like a month, I have literally been busy alllll month. I was volunteering all of spring break and ever since I have been running around doing school work and such. It's been a hellish month. I won't be updating for a little bit so I'm on a mini hiatus because of AP exams next week. But after that I will go back to updating regularly.

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