99. Bubble Bath- Patrick Stump

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"Daddy!" Declan yelled, running into the living room. "Daddy, look what I made."

Patrick looked up from his book to find his four year old son covered in mud from head to toe. "What did you make?" Patrick asked, already dreading the answer.

"It's in the kitchen." Declan smiled widely, his eyes bright against the smeared mud on this face. "Come on, I'll show you.

Patrick ran his fingers through his hair, dreading the words he had just heard. "Okay, I'm coming."

He stood and followed his son, avoiding the mud his son had tracked into the  house.

"You gotta close your eyes, I want you to be surprised when you see it." Declan said.

"Oh, I don't doubt that I will be," Patrick muttered, but put his hands over his eyes.

"Okay, now open them," Declan instructed. 

Patrick removed his hands from his face and instantly regretted it.

The entire kitchen was covered in mud and water. And in the center of it all stood Declan, proudly holding a cake pan full of mud and twigs.

 "Do you like it?" Declan asked, huge eyes looking up at him. "I made it just for you."

Patrick bit his bottom lip against the stream of unholy words that were about to tumble from his mouth. "Holy smokes," he said quietly instead. "That's amazing."

It was amazing, amazing that a small four year old could make that much mess. Amazing that at the hands of a small boy, Patrick's death sentence had just been handed to him. Amazing, the amount of effort and cleaning supplies I would take for Patrick to clean this up before (Y/N) got home.

Declan smiled, oblivious to the storm he had just caused. "I made one for mommy too." He turned and pointed to another cake on the counter.

"Mommy's on a special diet." Patrick said. "And I'm on one too..." He trailed off, distracted by the mud on the ceiling.

How did he even get it up there?

Declan frowned. "Well then I guess I'll have to eat them by myself-"

"You're on a diet too." Patrick said quickly, and grabbed the tin from his son's hand.

"I can still eat gummy worms right?" Declan asked, watching Patrick take the other pan and set it outside.

Patrick shut the door behind him. "Yes."

"That's fine with me." Declan shrugged.

Patrick looked at the clock, you'd be home in less than an hour.

"Dec, listen to me." He knelt in front of his son. "Your mom will be here soon, and if we don't get this kitchen clean before she does, then you'll never be able to make another mud pie again."

Of course, Patrick didn't add that the reason he'd be unable to do that, would be because he was dead.

"So here's what I need you to do," his voice lowered. "You need to take your clothes off and put them in the washer, while I clean the kitchen really quickly."

Declan nodded.

"And then you're gonna take a bath." Patrick continued.

"Can I have bubbles?" Declan asked, eyes light.

He nodded. "But remember, everything has to stay a secret from mommy. Understand?"

"We're like spies," he said excitedly, "on a secret mission."

"Operation: Stay Alive." Patrick agreed. "Think you could do that?" 

Declan nodded eagerly. 

"Ok, go!" Patrick ran towards the sink and pulled the cleaning supplies out from under it. 

He began to clean the entire kitchen, even resorting to a sketchy tower of chairs to reach the mud splatter on the ceiling. He swept the remaining piles of dirt into the corners and prayed you wouldn't notice. 

After twenty minutes, Patrick followed the trail of clothes up to the bathroom. 

Declan was sitting in the bath tub, surrounded by heaps of white, fluffy bubbles. "Look daddy, he slathered some bubbles along his chin. "I've got a beard." 

Patrick sat on the toilet beside the tub. "Looking good kid." 

"Do you want a beard daddy?" Declan looked up at him. 

"I already have one." Patrick rubbed the stubble on his chin. 

Declan shrugged. "But you don't have a bubble beard." He pointed out. 

"Hm, I guess that's true." Patrick nodded. "You should give me one." 

His son cupped the bubbles in his small hand rubbed them on Patrick's face. "There." 

"Looking good." You leaned against the door frame.

"Hey babe." Patrick turned to face you in surprise. "Back already?" 

You nodded and walked into the bathroom. "Our boss was not a total ass and let us off early today." You kissed Patrick on the cheek, smearing the bubbles a little. "You two look adorable." 

"I'm not adorable." Your son frowned. "I am mighty, fear me." 

"Oh,  I am very frightened." You chuckled and left the room. 

Patrick looked at Declan. "Looks like we got away with it." He high-fived Declan.

"She'll never know." 

"Patrick!" You shouted up the stairs. "Why is the Leaning Tower of Piza in our kitchen, and why is it made of chairs?" 


"It wouldn't have anything to do with the dirt swept into the corner and my missing cake pans?" You asked.

"The less you know the better." Patrick answered.  

Declan laughed and blew his handful of bubbles at Patrick, who splashed his son back in response. 

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