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Throwing rocks out into the distance, I loved to do. I honestly didn't know how to feel. Vic is so perfect, but seeing him kiss someone the same way he kissed me, just broke. Something inside of me just lurched and I felt so broken, so worthless. I didn't want to hear what Vic was going to say, I didn't want to.

"What are you doing on top of the roof?" Asked Aunt Molly's voice. Turning and seeing it was her, I threw another rock into the air.

"Just thinking," I told her. Another Rick thrown. We were right in front of the window to the guest room, there was a ladder you could climb up if you wanted, that led to the roof.

Aunt Molly brought me into a hug, "you really love that boy.."

I sighed, "I don't think he loves me, though."

"Why you say that?"

I faltered, "in his phone earlier today..we were..well it was the morning time, and some Danielle girl sent him this video of them making out at a party.." I said, "I was so mad. I blew up at him and told him I hated him."

Aunt Molly shook her head, "dear god, Kellin.." She started, "okay, take this from somebody who used to party? Vic probably wasn't even in his right mind. He probably was on something, and doesn't remember a thing. That's how partying works, it's not good. Which is why I stopped a long time ago. It's okay to live a little, but most kids who are your common partiers do it as a distraction. For me, my Dad died. I partied to get distracted, then I got pregnant with Taylor." She said, "I'm rambling, but bottom line? I think you owe him an apology."

I nodded, she made sense, "but I was so mad-"

"Kellin, let it go honey." Molly said, "being upset with the love of your life does nothing. Oh, and I got you something." She reached into her jacket, and gave me a silver IPHONE. I blinked twice.

"What's this?"

"A phone."

I smiled, as I threw my arms around her, "thanks for everything. Thanks for the advice, the phone..." I pulled away from the hug, "I wish I lived with you, instead of going back to Oregon next week."

She sighed, staring out into the distance, "Kellin, your parents disowned you."

I cocked my head, "are you kidding?"

A smile crept into her face, "no."

"So I'm staying with you now?"

She nodded, "yep. I have custody over you now. My sister is a bitch, okay? I'm so sorry you had to come out of her."

I burst out laughing. Maybe things weren't so bad after all. "I'm gonna go take a nap..it's been a long day." I said, slipping through the window. Molly came in after me and rested a hand in my shoulder.

"You should visit him tomorrow. I mean it."

I laughed, getting up under my covers, "I will.." I yawned, closing my eyes.

Life's not out to get you |kellic]Where stories live. Discover now