File 7: Down By The Lake, I Dare Not Go... Part 6

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Me and Minako went after each other's throat, I once mistaken her kindness and she almost took advantage of that but I saw right through as I asked her that simple question..

"Where are you hiding the bodies!?" I screamed at her again she ran at me and I quickly dodged "Mai! We can't move we're stuck in this evil seaweed" Ayako yelled, my sweat dropped "your kidding me right, Evil seaweed?" She nodded and grinned at me I sighed and continued to fight.

I flashed to where I was next to her and kneed her thigh, hitting a Charlie horse she groaned and fell to the ground. I took this chance to try to get my friends out of the seaweed "this stuff is impossible to break!" I yelled struggling "Mai, behind you!" I looked behind me and took the punch to protect Masako who I was trying to get out first.

I hit the tree and she laughed and flashed in front of me trying to use another attack, I growled and moved away, she punched the tree I found this to be my chance to hit her with my throwing knife.

I took the knife and hit her shoulder blade, when I did so blood didn't come out gross lake water sprayed all over me I coughed and wiped my eyes "you are kidding me!" I yelled when I opened my eyes I saw her in front of me.

She choked slammed me into the floor as I arched my back and gasped for air she chuckled "sucks don't it?" I sighed and shook my head trying to keep focus, I swung my body around and kicked her feet out from under her I then flashed to her on the floor and punched her a several amount of times.

After doing so she looked about done, I hit her with another throwing knife them flashed to Masako again "look Masako I'm gonna get you out, then you're gonna get everyone else out understand?" She nodded, I tried ripping the seaweed and it didn't work, I snapped my fingers and used my throwing knife "these knifes always cut through things. Bless them.. wait" cutting off the ADHD train, I got Masako out then quickly returned to Minako.

"Are you doing ok?" I said kicking her she glared fast and quickly tackled me I grunted as I hit the ground, she then punched my face I wiped the blood away and scoffed "play time is over" I sighed smirking evilly eyes changing now due to my anger.

Minutes went by, maybe even an hour or two and we were still fighting. I left Masako to get them out of the seaweed without using my knife for I needed them, we finally had a stare down.

She didn't look good, she was bruised and bleeding a lot of water? She looked tired and out of energy. I didn't look too pretty either, a lot of blood was shown as my clothes were ripped, my body ached all over, getting tired, and drained of energy... I was getting a strong thirst for blood.

I knew I had to keep my focused and tried very hard to keep it 'cool it Mai' I spoke to myself over and over again, Minako smirked at me "you've reached limit demon.. Vampire.. without blood you can't go on any longer" I glared "how did you know I'm also a vampire?" She smirked and walked up to me and lifted my chin up "I mean look at you! How could I not?" I growled and flashed away from her.

I was out of breath she was right this was my limit, I growled and swore under my breath but kept my stance strong "mhm a brat you are" I smiled "I don't give up easy!" I spat she sighed "fine.. You'll regret this".

She expanded herself like she was filled with water and came running towards me, I tried to move but the seaweed was keeping me at ground.. I screamed in fear.

She absorbed me and I was drowning, I saw as all my friends watch me suffer. Masako tried harder to get them out but still the seaweed didn't budge, I took my throwing knifes and left them inside of her.

After all the water she tried to drown me with was gone I collapsed and coughed up more water trying to take breaths, she frowned "how has that not even killed you?" I smirked and got up with the help of a tree I was next to "I'm already dead" she sighed.

"I'm ending this!" She yelled, she turned into this orb of light and quickly went through my chest. My life froze everything stopped for me.

I fell to the ground "Mai! Get up!" Monk yelled "Mai!" Naru yelled, I couldn't breath I coughed up large amounts of water I heard Naru scream something he repeated himself "turn human!" He yelled I nodded and did so.

Seeing my human self arms and legs I gasped, I was mad messed up, I looked terrible like I went to war. I realised I could breath again and took all the air I could I growled "what did you do?!" She laughed "you're useless.. No more demon mode" my eyes widen I couldn't believe her.

When she was laughing her ass off she started groaning then screaming "what's happening!" Her seaweed let go of the gang I smirked "when you absorbed me I left my throwing knifes in you, in doing so when you turned into the orb the knifes penetrated your soul and inside.. A win win situation" she growled turned a dark ugly purple and fell into ash.

I sighed and fell to my side with the sand and dirt over my body "Mai? Mai!" I heard someone screamed my name... I couldn't respond I was so weak and done I just wanted to sleep forever.

I heard some one screamed my name one more time, I glanced up and saw a blurry figure but soon lost consciousness.

I woke up in a cold sweat coughing up a lung of some sort "hey, hey relax Mai.. Here take some water" Ayako handed me some water and I quickly drank it all and sighed "thanks mom.."
I sighed and rubbed my head when she smiled joyful "my bad Ayako" she shook her head "it's perfectly fine Mai!" We smiled at each other.

"Are we back in base?" She nodded "after you passed out we went back to the lake house, we explained everything to the Goya's and said "everything will be safer now" they nodded and we left.. Of course you were in Naru's car.. We got back 3 hours ago" I nodded "how long all together?" She shrugged "10 maybe 15 hours?" I gasped "no way!" She nodded "you are a heavy sleeper Mai"

Me and Ayako were laughing and talking until Naru and Lin walked in with Monk I smiled and waved a peace sign "hey guys!" Monk cried and ran into my arms "my darling daughter! I was so worried!" he cried spinning me in circles.

I wiggled out his grip "chill Monk! I'm still alive, I still need rest!" He laughed and rubbed my head "sure Mai!" I looked at Naru and smiled "still alive see?" He smiled and nodded I giggled and gave him a hug. That hug brought some tears he removed me from him and looked me in the eye.

"What's wrong?" I wiped the tears away and laughed "I'm completely useless now Naru hah, it's funny how that can change so fast.. Am I right?" I giggled some more as tears came rolling down Naru sighed and held me in a closer hug "shh it's ok Mai".

"When I was in demon mode.. My lungs filled with water and it felt like I was drowning with out even being underwater...." I could hear his heart beat and it calmed me down some how "maybe I should try again?" He signed "can you handle it Mai?" I nodded I stood back from Naru and changed forms.

I quickly felt as I lost my breath to water filling up my lungs I then started coughing "Mai, change back now!" Lin yelled at me I nodded and did so. After turning back to human it all went away I stood on my feet and sighed.

"I guess I'm just plan old Mai again?"

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