File 1: The Room

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I woke up to the sound of a birds chirping, really? No I didn't, I woke up to this stupid alarm clock. I threw it at the wall then grabbed my phone and looked at the time.

"9:30 AM" I whispered to myself sighing, I got up, grabbed some clothes and got into the shower.

I was wearing leggings with an over sized sweater with some tennis shoes, simple but cute!

I glanced at the time '9:40 AM not bad Mai' I mumbled to myself, I went to the kitchen got a bagel with cream cheese and grabbed my keys, phone, and bagel and walked out the door. Wow I'm not gonna be late this time..... Weird... I looked at my phone '9:55 AM?! Where did time fly' I muttered and put my phone back into my pocket, kept my keys in my hand and put my headphones in.

"Oh how I love you headphones" I said walking up to SPR office.

I opened the door "Hey Naru!" I said walking in "Mai tea" he said looking at his stupid book, 'what's even in that thing? you know what.. I don't even want to know' I walked to Lin's door and knocked a couple of times then opened the door.

"Hey Lin, do you want some tea?" I asked polity "Sure Mai" he said I closed the door and walked over into the kitchen. I got 3 tea cups and got the tea ready, after the tea was done I walked into the main room and set the tea down in front of Naru.

"You're welcome" he just nodded, I rolled my eyes "thanks Mai!" I smiled and knocked on Lin's door a couple times then walked in "Here Lin" I said placing it down in front of him, he nodded and I walked out.

'Well now I know where Naru gets his bad attitude from' I walked back into the main room, then I heard a knock on the door I walked to the door and opened it.

"Ah hello, are you Mrs. Shibuya?" the man asked, a women right next to him looked at me with a flat toned expression, they looked to be husband and wife with the way her arm was wrapped around his.

When they walked in Monk joined them "hey Naru we have a client, I'm super sorry sir, I'm his assistant Taniyama Mai, would you follow me and I'll show him to you?" I said the man nodded and his wife of his showed me a glare, I glared back and a book fell off the shelf.

The gang and Naru both looked at me then quickly showed the attention to the client.

"Hello Mr. Shibuya thank you for meeting me today I'm Mr. Player but you can can call me Yuki". Yuki said to us, he looked around his mid 30 and had a grey medium hair cut and was tall about Monks size and his wife went up to his shoulders had long blonde hair, blue eyes and she was skinny.

"Yes hello Mr. Player could you explain to us the activates going on in your house?" Naru said I guess he was trying to be polite and it worked, Monk and myself were not showing any signs of listening.

"it's not my house I'm worried about, its my nieces house she's lived in that house since her parents died in a car accident. But I guess in the past more deaths happened there, whenever we go over there to visit we always hear doors slamming shut and knocking sounds with a lot of stuff following" Yuki said he looked terrified but his wife....

Just kept her eyes on me! Is there a problem?! I just softly smiled at her.

"We need 3 rooms one for the boys one for the girls and a base will that be easy?" The man looked at Naru with gleam, "No, no problem at all! I'm sure she'll have some rooms"

"Alright then we will be there tomorrow at noon" Naru said.

They booth stood up and shook hands and the walked away with his wife who still yes, you guessed right was glaring at me still I don't even know what I did! Im sure I'm just overthinking this, I sighed and looked at Naru.

"Naru you saw that too right?"
"What the women who kept glaring at you?" he asked
"Yeah I wonder what her problem was?" I said putting my finger to my chin thinking about it, Naru sighed "you are thinking about it to much" with an agreeing three spiritualist.

"Now Mai, as we would all like is some answers" I cocked my head "about?" Monk elbowed me and pointed at my head "about my brain?" Monk sighed "your abilities Mai, you knocked over a book just from glaring" as Monk was talking Lin was typing.

I sighed and shook my head "I have no idea about it" Naru closed his book and paid more attention "your eyes?" I looked at Monk who was acting like a mime "we aren't playing charades! Help me!" Monk chuckled slightly.


"Oh thank the lord for getting me out of this one, well Naru it looks like we will deal with the conversation another time then!" I said smiling "my acting isn't good enough" Monk said fake crying

Ayako and John came in "Hey Ayako! hey John I was about to call you guys we have a new case" I smiled. I couldn't wait to get back in action "Mai more tea." I turned around and smiled at Naru "No problem your highness" I grabbed the cups and went right into the kitchen to hear a little side conversation.

"Is she ok?" And "I don't know" is all that I was able to hear unfortunately.

I called Masako "hey Masako, I'm sorry to bother you while you are working, but we have a case tomorrow" she sighed "it's ok Mai, thank you" she hung up before I could say 'you're welcome' I sighed and put the phone down.

I walked into the main room and gave everyone their tea "Thanks Mai" Monk, John, and Ayako said "You're welcome" I smiled but then remembered Naru didn't say thank you, that scientist, his manners are deeply needed.

"Hey Naru?" He make a 'mhm' sound still looking at his work "I don't have an answer, for the question you were gonna ask early" I mumbled looking at him, he sighed and looking at me rubbing his temple with the pen in his fingers "if that was all you had to Mai then it was useless to say anything, it only helps a little that you know nothing" I looked down sadly "I was just trying to help" I murmured, he sighed and gave me a small smile. I blushed.

"Oh are you thinking about his smile Mai?"

"You sound... familiar?"

"I really should Mai, think about it"

I rubbed my temples in confusion and sighed

I suddenly felt dizzy "hey Naru? I'm not feeling to good, if we aren't doing anything I'm gonna head home and pack, when are we leaving?" He sighed "Mai it seems you weren't listening early, we will be at the house by noon, just come in as per usual" I nodded and waved "bye bye guys!" They all said bye as I closed the door and walked to my home.

"Are you ok Mai?"

"I'm not sure random thought, maybe I'm just hungry?"

"Ok well go home eat and get rest, see you tomorrow"

"Wait a minute... I know that soft caring voice.. Gene!"

"You know it princess! Get some sleep!"

I got home made a sandwich and rested "tomorrow is gonna kick my ass I can already tell" I whispered and got comfy for sleep.

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