File 3: Asylum?! #4

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Year 1989 June "why can't you just understand I'm not crazy!" I screamed at my parents as they pushed me into the ambulance I tried to shove the men in white coats away "I'm sorry sweetheart we will come visit." My mother spoke softly as tears went down her face "I'm sorry Naomi but-" my father choked, the men shoved me in and put me in a straight jacket and started to drive off I just screamed and screamed, sobbing before I exhausted my self falling asleep.

"Hey get up crazy!" Someone yelled at me I woke up at an instant and got out fast but ran into the mans arms "let me go please I'm not crazy!" I screamed at him he sighed "I'm 15 I don't belong here!" I looked at the mans face filled with pity, "I'm sorry honey I gotta follow the rules, the voices in your head-" I cut him off immediately "the voices in my head are gone, they went away!" He sighed.

"They haven't little miss I'm sorry I have to do what the law tells me to do" I started screaming and going against them "let me go I don't belong here!" I screamed more going in to the building "we need the doctor to come sedate her" the man said I kept screaming and kicking them, then the doctor came in quickly with the needle and I kept freaking out, "Naomi you need to relax were gonna put you out for a little" the doctor said and put the needle in my upper arm, I felt tired, weak, losing the strength to fight. I was losing consciousness in both dream and reality.

I opened my eyes wide and tumbled over the bed "Naru note book now!!" I screamed at him a flying note book came in.

"So Mai was sleeping in here?" Monk said suspiciously, I ignored him and wrote down all the info of Naomi and her story "she was awoken at four in the morning by a dream and stayed in here by my command incase she had another dream, which I'm guess she did?" Naru said to Monk, Monk urged
Naru to tell him what happened after that but Naru refused to encourage Monks unrealistic imagination.

"Monk it's eight in the morning go do something else besides bothering me" he laughed "now Naru what's the fun it that" Naru sighed and they went back to talking, more like Monk keeps mentioning things and Naru just hums a response. I was laying on the floor sticking my tongue out to get the memory back clear, trying to draw the faces as clear as I could and all the details I stood up really fast and went to Naru and Monk with super speed they looked confused "ready? I have another story" Naru and Monk nodded.

"Ok Naomi is fifteen, the year is 1989 June, um her parents placed her in the asylum because she had voices in her head.... That's all I got now the men who took her was a man about 20's handsome brown hair blue eyes very nice to her the other one I didn't see much but looked more mid 40's the same men who took the skin mask guy in to the doctors OR room, the doctor that sedated her is the same doctor who started all of this off.... While Nancy was killed by the skin mask guy as Adam her lover watched so skin mask guy caused the murders, framed Adam for killing Nancy, the crazy doctor then ended skin mask guy but took his skin as well..... That's its tada" I said doing jazz hands.

"Wait so the parents forcibly put their daughter in an asylum because she was hearing voices?" I nodded my head, Monks jaw dropped "Wow Mai" I raised a brow "What" he laughed "all the notes you're taking remind me of Naru" I laughed with Monk "yeah whatever Monk, its a lot of dreams to remember. It's hard to find who were suppose to remove because of all these stories" I sighed and looked carful what I drew and the info.

"The doctor seems to be in all of them but the nurse and Adam have a strong feeling for revenge so does the skin mask guy... But Naomi I don't know yet I haven't finished her story" I sighed and brought my hands to my head "Mai you could always just give me the names" Lin said I sighed
"It's faster info yea but its not the same as re-living, but I suppose it is quicker to try and look it up."

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