File 1: The Room #4

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3rd person

Mai has been asleep for 2 days after such an energy waster.

Naru sighed and walked into the living room to see if she was still on the couch, he saw the poor girl asleep, the girl he knew when she was a teen was gone. Her eyes are only the same, the deep chocolate brown, her hair grew out she's got a female body figure.. Now she was tougher knew how to handle weapons her abilities were stronger too.

Naru sighed and was about to walk away we he heard his assistant start growling in pain and started see bruises on her legs.


"hey Gene what happened?" Gene smiled "Princess you used to much energy and passed out, you've been passed out for two days they still havent finished the case either because of you but they didn't abandoned it! He was worried about your stupid deal, nice one Idoit" he said and slapped the back of my head, I put my hands there and sighed.

"Because that's really gonna help, but why am I here?!"

"Another one" we sighed and watched.

But this is already different, dangerous different, I closed my eyes and opened them and found Akito in my face "is there something you need?" I said sassy "yes, what about my offer?" I gripped my hand to Gene in case I was about to go flying.

"I decline the offer of everything" I could feel Gene ease.

"Doesn't work like that sweetheart" he grabbed my leg and dragged me I screamed as Gene held on to me, Gene was strong and so was the spirit I was moving in air from the tension.

"Gene please don't let go!"

"I wasn't planning on it princess" he said but slipped a little.

"You can't escape or decline my offers!" I growled and tried to keep hold of Gene, Akito has both of my legs and was pulling harder.

"Gene I need your other hand!" I said reaching for it "ok ready?" He did the same "you have to be wake up Mai!"
"Really?! I thought I'd stay here! How do you expect me to do that?!" I yelled back, Akito pulled harder and harder each time squeezing my legs I groaned and tired to hold on to Gene.

"Ok I'm gonna pull you as hard as I can if he slips and let's go it's your chance" I nodded "1....2....3!" He pulled me as hard as he could and Akitos grip on my legs slipped off. I got launched and tumbled getting the wind knocked out of me.

"Now Mai!!" He yelled holding the monster back I closed my eyes as hard as I could and woke up.

I sat up real fast but too fast and hit something hard, I groaned and fell back "ugghh" I laughed and opened my eyes to see who I connected skulls with. I saw Naru the narcissistic, I sighed and looked at him he looked really concerned.

"what's wrong" I frowned at him waiting for the answer "Mai your legs" he said I looked at them 'i-it was real' I felt tears coming down, Naru again even more concerned.

"your eyes are still a beautiful brown" he said whispered under his breath sounding.... Happy? No way "was that a tiny bit of happiness?" He sighed
"No. Your eyes are just brown still, now make me some tea"

I grunted "jerk" I got up then I saw a some people Monk, Ayako, John and Masako "Mai!!" Monk, Ayako and John said running towards me Monk hugged me like a father.

"We were so worried"
"Mai are you ok?" I looked at John and nodded he sighed of relief
"Mhhm a shame" Masako said under here breath I glared at her
I sighed and smiled "Do you guys want tea?" they all nodded and went to base I smiled and made my way to the kitchen by myself then the lights started to flicker and then turn off.

"I said you couldn't escape me"

"Naru, Monk, Ayako!!!" I yelled the first names that came to my mind the hot pot on the stove slipped and landed on my hand I groaned loudly.

They ran in and saw that I was guarding my hand, Akito walked towards Monk. I started chanting when John came in and helped, Lin was about to call his dogs (shinkis) Naru was waiting for an opening. Akito just got angry and push John towards the wall and same with Monk, Naru saw his chance and ran over to me.

"come on Mai!!" He yelled at me Lin called his dogs and Monk and John started chanting again and it worked! We heard an unhuman scream and a flash of gold appeared it front of us, he was gone.

I was still guarding my hand and Naru pulled me towards the tap and let the cool water on it "just like old times right Naru?"

He smiled a little and I blushed

"Yea, just like old times"


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