File 7: Down By The Lake, I Dare Not Go... Part 3

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Hearing the birds and insects in the forest didn't even bother me.. But I can't go demon or anything else, I sighed in frustration.

As I was walking I heard a noise I looked around and started shaking a little "it's fine Mai.. Nothing is there" I kept walking but moved faster.

More noises kept coming out of no where, even some laughs. I cursed under my breath and growled "don't test me..." I said like I was talking to someone.

As I was walking I felt a sharp cut in my arm I growled "ah" I saw my arm with a deep cut I looked to my right and saw a women in black, my eyes got big "the women from the lake" I closed my eyes and ran faster to the house "control the speed Mai" I kept a calm face.

Feeling more and more cuts over my legs, arms, and stomach 'these cuts hurt so bad' I gritted my teeth.

When I finally made to the house I saw Naru sitting on the couch waiting for me, he got up in an instant and walked over to me "Mai.. You're bleeding" he said wiping some blood off my cheek, I sighed "yeah I figured" he sighed and and slowly pinned me against the wall "I can never stop worrying for you Mai.." He lifted my chin up and his deep blue eyes went soft, I giggled a little "yeah I thought so.. I'm also sorry for what I said I never realised I could go demon either... If you would just tell me these things it would be easier" he nodded his head "I know.. I just find it funny when you get angry"

I pouted "Naru I'm full of cuts, could I get cleaned up first before you seduce me some more?" He smirked and let me go under his arm "Mai?" I turned around and nodded "yes boss?" He laid his back to the wall and crossed his legs like he use to "don't go to the lake again without me" I smiled and nodded "of course"

After taking a shower, cleaning the wounds, and putting new clothes on I went back to base "Mai.. Tea" I sighed "sure Naru" I grunted and made some tea for him "here" he raised an eyebrow "didn't burn your hand?" I shook my head "good I didn't want you to become more stupid" I frowned "how is me burning my hand gonna make me more stupid!" He shrugged "you're Mai" I sighed.

I laid down on the couch when Naru offered me his jacket again I giggled "could I just keep your jacket?" He glared "no" I pouted "Naru!" He sighed "look either find a blanket or accept the jacket. I am not letting you keep it though" I got big puppy dog eyes and kept the jacket on he sighed "you're such a child" he said and rubbed my head then walked out of the room.

I smiled "his touch always makes me warm" I sighed and started closing my eyes when I heard the group bust in through the doors, I smirked "it's ok I wasn't even tired" I got up and saw them by the door I smiled "hey weirdos!" They smiled and waved "hey Mai, I'm guess you got back safe?" I shook my head "nope I'll tell you what happened" I walked to the stairs and slid down the railing of the stairs, Ayako covered her eyes scared I was gonna fall.

Good thing I didn't, I got in front of them and showed them the cuts "bad Mai" Masako said I shrugged "I survived right?" They nodded in agreement but sighed "you gotta be careful Mai" John said rubbing my head I gave him a goofy smile and got him in a head lock and rubbed his hair "how does it feel John!" We all laughed until a certain dark King came down the stairs I let go of John and looked at Naru.

He all gave us his normal straight look "all of you get cleaned up.. We need to go to town and see if we can find any clues there" we all nodded, me who was already cleaned just sat on the couch when Mrs. Goya came in the room, she wiggled her eyebrow at me.

I never realised it but I forgot I was wearing Naru's jacket still "isn't that Mr. Shibuya's jacket?" I nodded and blushed as his sleeve went past my hand, I brought it up to my face and covered it she giggled "so look... There's a firework show going on tonight, I'm gonna see if I can make you and Mr. Shibuya go alone...How you ask?" I nodded and smiled she shook her head "I won't tell you how, you're gonna have to wait" I frowned "why offer to tell me then" She giggled.

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