The Vacation? Part 5

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I woke up quietly and quickly to the sound of thunder, I rolled over to see it still dark outside. A flash of lighting hit and I saw a black figure.

My heart raced, I froze in panic "N-Naru?" I said shaking him, each time the lighting hitting the ground and thunder backing it up, the figure got closer "N-Naru.. Please" finally he looked at me sleepy "yes Mai?" I gulped down "please turn around" he did so and lighting hit but the black figure was gone.

"What was it Mai?" He said immediately knowing something was wrong.

"I saw a black figure getting closer to us.. I was frighten is all" he slightly chucked.

"And you didn't scream?" I hit him on his arm lightly.

"It's not funny, I've seen worse than a black figure walking towards us.. besides I wasn't alone" I said quickly smiling to myself.

Naru laid on his back and tapped on his chest "come here Mai" I frowned "this isn't Naru?" I smiled, he sighed and flopped over onto his side "never mind then, I just wanted to comfort a sorry soul like you" steam came out of my ears, I flipped him onto his back and rested my head on his chest.

He brought his hand to my back and one above his head and we slowly went back to sleep.

I woke up again to thunder, this time more bright outside, slightly grey. I stretched my arms and slowly shook Naru "get up sleepy, it's time to get a move on"

I groaned and got up and got dressed, I went down the stairs and saw everyone talking and laughing "there she is sleepy head!" I giggled.

"I don't know how you get up early"

"Well Naru's usually the first one up but with a cuddle buddy he sleeps in!" Gene said which erupted giggles from his parents "it's okay Mai, don't feel bad! We're happy Naru gets more sleep now a day's"

I smiled to myself, suddenly a file was tossed in front of "look more at the case we wanna take" I frowned "oh! Did I mention that... uh, the killings are still happening?" His parents frowned and him and Gene.

"I'm not entirely sure Mai, but it's noted" I just nodded and continued to read "hey! Do they know we are coming? When are we leaving?" Monk asked, Naru didn't even bother to glance at Monk "yes and soon, for now everyone pack" we all nodded and went up stairs, I followed Naru to ours.

"Mai?" I turned my head and looked at Naru, I smiled at him "something you need?" He came close to me "I just..." I walked close to him "mhm?" He pulled my close and embraced me "Naru?" He slowly brought his lips to mine and we kissed again.

A longing kiss, I pulled away "is this what you meant when you said you realised something on the plane?" I giggled, he nodded "I like you Mai" my breathe was still and my heart raced "why say this now?" He looked confused by my answer "I just... I wanted to confirm my feelings" I quickly gave him another kiss "I like you too Naru you know that... but I don't wanna immediately be in a relationship.. well okay, I don't mean relationships just... I don't wanna rush a lot of things" he nodded "I mean we already sleep or cuddle together and hold hands... kiss, you walked out in a robe in front of me" I tensed up "shut up!" I pushed him away and continued packing "stop googly eyeing me and start packing" he pulled out his suitcase and started as well.

"You told Gene I was jealous?" I frowned and then laughed "yeah, Gene is like my brother, well... he's gonna be my brother-in-law" Naru raised an eyebrow at me and I laughed, suddenly we heard footsteps running to our door. We immediately looked at each other then the door.

The door was pulled opened and Gene bursted in out of breath "BROTHER-IN-LAW?!" I smiled "yah, you're like a brother to me and maybe one day brother-in-law" he frowned and slowly turned his head to Naru "you confessed?" Naru's face went cold.

"what if I did?" He kept packing

"I gotta tell everyone else!"

I grabbed Gene by his collar "you need to wait! Naru said he liked me and I told him that I didn't want to rush anything. THAT can stay between us three. We haven't decided anything due to my own issues okay?" He frowned "I can't say anything then?" I sighed, then smiled "when I find the right time, then you can okay?" I glanced at Naru "crush Masako's dream!" He laughed and sat onto the bed starting the conversation, I glanced at Naru and continued to organise things myself.

"So when are you guys gonna date?" Gene said from the back, I sighed and looked at Naru as Lin then stepped in as well. "Dating?" Then I glanced at Naru.

"I told Mai that I liked her" Lin smiled.

"It was about time" I laughed

"I'm not sure Gene, I just wanna take my time right now" Gene gasped grabbing my shoulders violently "Mai you've been waiting for this moment forever!" My face started heating up "I know I have... but I don't wanna be I don't know... up each other's butt all the time if that makes sense" Gene nodded.

"Dont take too long! Masako could still sneak her way in" I frowned "Naru we're dating now" he kept a straight face "There is no need to worry or rush things Mai, I've waited before I'll wait again" I got extremely red "oh! Lil Oliver how was Mai's biting"

You could actually see Naru's face turn the brightest of red, to which me and Gene starting giggling "I can see, good thing we have mind link brother" I can see Naru shoot daggers at Gene, he put his hands up in defence "relax, I'm not listening" I sighed, sweat dropping.

Soon everyone ended up in Naru's room "you think we could stay here longer?" Everyone frowned.

"Why would we?" Monk asked I glanced and reminded myself of me and Naru.

"I know I said we'd wait but... let's just get it over with"- Mai

Naru and Gene gave me both a thumbs up "Naru and me... are dating" I said smiling at the ceiling feeing the heat in my face "dating? Ayako did she say 'dating'" Monk said overdramatise it and shaking Ayako "she did.. oh my god, she did!" The both started shaking each other to which I rolled my eyes too "that's great Mai!" John said smiling, I looked at Masako who also had a small smile.

"Is that what you want, to stay longer?" I looked at Lin and nodded "well Naru's parents are here and stuff... I don't know I feel like when we go on a trip we don't stay for very long either" Ayako and Monk came up to me engulfing me in a hug "Mai we can stay as long as you want!"

I heard someone clear their throat and looked up at Naru, Monk and Ayako got off the bed and Naru took there spot next to me "we can stay for a while" he smiled, I kissed his nose and gazed into his eyes, while he kissed me on the lips passion and hungry filled "okay then, let's go find something to do" I smiled, me and Naru sat up walking out of our room with everyone following to enjoy days of adventures.

The End.

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