The Broken House Part 1

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I woke up and felt disgusting, my teeth were gross, my face all oily. I look at Naru and shoved him "are we there yet?" He sighed.

"no Mai, we are not"

"Well... when will be there?"

"A couple of minutes Mai"

"Are you mad at me? It's not my fault everyone wanted to celebrate the day of a case"

"Not mad at you, just frustrated at you and you smell like alcohol, I suggest you take a shower when you get there immediately"

"Ok mom"

He rolled his eyes at me and I sighed like a 4 year old child, I looked back at Gene and saw he was fast asleep. I shove his shoulder a couple of times "Gene bro... wake up" he moaned "Gene I'm gonna knock you over!"
He shrugged, I growled and pushed him onto his side. He moaned some more and looked at me.

"You need to shower"

He sighed "so do you"

"Ok but I will shower, I'm just saying you need to also"

He smirked "can I just shower with you?"

Naru intervened "we will respect a girls privacy Gene, did you forget that?"

Gene sighed "we are here anyways, let's look presentable then get out"
Naru looked at me and smiled "I'll get your box, my little assistant"
I smiled "thanks"

We fixed our hair and sprayed ourselves with cologne, we got out and caught up to the gang.

"Where have you been drunky?" Monk said in my ear, I laughed at him "I was fixing my appearance" he nodded and we continued to follow the lady "I'm sorry but I only have two rooms, unless someone chooses to sleep on the couch?"

Naru smiled at her "no it's ok, we will make due with what we have thank you"

she smiled "I'll be making dinner soon"

I looked down at my stomach and realised how hungry I was, Gene seemed to notice "is it real food you're hungry for or blood?" I rolled my eyes at him "trust me, do you know how good stir fry sounds right now?" He laughed and shoved me "you'll be fine"

They set up base while Gene and myself went to fine a bathroom.

"I'll take a shower first and if you want you can wait outside"

"Can I wait inside?"

I laughed "no Gene!"

We finally found a bathroom and I went in first and started my shower, though.. I got a strange feeling and it hit me, I smell blood.

"Gene!" I yelled, in doing so I wrapped a towel around myself.

"Mai! I can't open the door"

I ran at the door unlocked it and tried opening it, I growled and I rammed it with my shoulder "it's stuck!" The bathroom was steamy from the shower that was still running, I turned it off and slide my back against the door.

I covered my nose, blood starting colouring the room "Gene... there's blood in here" I heard him bang at the door "don't look at it Mai! I'm gonna get help"

I walked up to the mirror and moved my finger across the blood, I put some in my mouth. I moaned from how sweet it was I felt healthier and happier from it.

I put in on my clothes and had a little more, I stopped immediately hearing Narus voice from down the hall, I smudged the blood, washed my hand off, put my vampire looks away and opened the door calmly.

"It looks like Gene made a fuss about nothing?" Masako said I rubbed my temple

"No the door really wouldn't open but
It's fine, it opened now" I sighed as licked my teeth for whatever blood was left in there.

"Well Gene still has to shower, so Mai come back to base with us and Monk stay with Gene" they nodded and we left. When I got into base I felt more powerful and stronger... yet I was still tired, I laughed to myself in how ironic that was.

Naru looked at me with a raised eyebrow "is something wrong?" I asked him, he shook his head "no it's nothing, you should see if the client has finished making our dinner, also I want tea" I groaned and got up.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs. Choshing putting out plates, she smiled at me.

"Would you like some help?" I asked, she nodded her head, I grabbed the silverware and the last of the plates and set them down along with cups filled with iced water, I started the kettle for Narus tea.

"can you get the others please?"

I smiled "of course!" I ran up the stairs and told Naru "hey, tell everyone dinner is done!" He nodded radioed them and walked down the stairs with me, he grabbed my pinky, I blushed and looked at him with a questionable look "uh?"

He shook his head "don't worry about it ok"

I laughed and sat at the table in between John and Gene, I elbowed Gene and he elbowed me back, I laughed "this won't be over!"

He rolled his eyes "you are so gonna get it" Ayako cleared her throat to get our attention and we bowed and said grace, to be honest I could feel my hands burning a little bit, but it's ok, I got this whole Satan thing remember?

We finished our food and quickly helped clean up to get back onto the case.

All the sudden, the lights went out and everything was shaking and the table was being lifted. Then everything dropped and the lights went back on, the table had writing at it "You Do Not Belong Here"

"Well I'm gonna assume that it's for me" Gene snickered and high fives me, Naru rolled his eyes "you are terrible" I shrugged.

"All right guys, I think I'm gonna try and hit the hay, see why this ghost wants to call me out and stuff" I said walking backwards rubbing the back of my head "I'll head back to base with you, everyone else set up cameras and thermometers"

"I'll come too Naru! Just in case Mai as her dream"

They all nodded and we walked into different directions, Naru, Gene, and myself walked into base and I plopped onto the couch "here Mai, get some information" I nodded and got all snuggly and warm.

"Im here Gene!"

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