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on a Skype call & snapchat as I'm editing this.

please ignore any mistakes.


i sat up from bed as I then noticed it was dark out from my window. I had a balcony and I really wanted some fresh air. I ran to my door and locked it so Cameron wouldn't come in and see me outside.

I opened up my balcony door and walked outside into the nice fresh air. I stared out into the city as people's lights flicked on or off.

it was a beautiful site. something that boosted my mood into a happy one. but it ended once I heard my door open and close.

I didn't bother to turn around knowing it was either; Cameron, Cassandra, anthea, or effy.

"are you going to jump off?" I heard. I sighed in relief once I recognized it was effy.

"because if you are I'll jump off with you."

"how did you get in here?" I asked her.

"I know how to pick a lock."

"no I'm not going to jump off," I said chuckling a little bit. even though the thought has crossed my mind I wouldn't.

"why would you want to jump off?" I asked her.

"because I'm officially off the rails. you should try it."

"why would you want to jump off the balcony?" I asked.

"I can't feel anything."

"how come every time you come around everything gets depressing?"

"because our lives are depressing," she said laughing as we both looked over the balcony and out into the city.

"I blame my birth mom for this."

"we are only waiting for someone else to blame."

"what does that mean?" I asked her.

"maybe you're the one at fault," she said turning around and closing the balcony doors.

"what are you doing?" I asked her.

"lets jump. together."

"you're fucked up," I said shaking my head.

"I told you I'm fucked up, completely fucked up."

"you can put any face behind a mask - but be careful because someone else might be pretending," she said grabbing my hand. which I let her hold.

"will you jump with me?"

I nodded my head meaning yes.

"good. now let's say our goodbyes to everyone," she said digging into her pocket and pulling out a thing of weed

she lit it up and took a puff from it as she passed it to me.

"did you know I was in love?" she asked me. I shook my head.

"his name was Freddie. well Freddie you're the first person who broke my heart. for the rest of my life. you will always be the person who hurt me the most. don't forget that."

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