Talking Turtes and Scary People

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I was at a clothing store and I was reaching down towards one of the lower selves to pick up something.  When I came up I hit my elbow on the hanger thingy that sticks out.  Now my elbow really hurts.  I told my mom picking stuff out for my brother hurts me.

Story Start

I finally was able to focus, so I sat down and concentrated on the forest animal minds again.  By the time the sun was setting I had my skill down pretty well.  I could read the current thoughts of more than one animal at a time, and I could reach far down into the memories, and now every time I looked at a new thought I got the face clearly, so when it was a bunny.  I saw what the bunny looked like, not just the word bunny.

My bet is that I will be able to see recent memories, all thoughts, and names of people.  I will probably only be able to do one at a time though.  Stupid people why do their minds have to be so complex, well most peoples.

I decided it would be best to go home once the darkness settled in for the night. 

I unlocked the door to my apartment and headed upstairs.  I was all hot and sweaty the night had been really muggy, so the first thing I did when I got home was to take a shower.

I stood in there for about twenty minutes, just letting the warm water wash over me.  When I got out I put on my purple fluffy pants and grey tank top.  I also braided my wet hair, and tied it at the ends with a ribbon because mysteriously I couldn't find my hair tie that I through somewhere.

I then proceeded to my room and plopped down on the bed.  I fell asleep almost instantly, my wet hair falling to the side of my face.

My alarm went off, I lifted up my hand to hit the snooze button, but I could not find it and the thing would not shut up.  I hit basically every square inch of it and couldn't find the button, so I picked it up and threw it against the back wall.

From there it shattered into hundreds of little alarm clock pieces.  I felt kind of guilty about murdering it, I mean it was just doing it's job.

I sat up in bed and walked over to it.  I looked at the screen that had just cracked.  The time read 7:15, so that meant I had thirty minutes to get ready.  The perfect amount of time.

"I'm so sorry alarm clock, you woke me up at perfect time and I just destroyed you." I paused waiting for it to respond, it didn't so I continued "Don't worry you will have a very memorable disposal." I scooped up the pieces and put them on my bed.  I would have to dress in black and by batteries to attend the funeral type thing.  I don't think I will invite my friends though, maybe Naruto.

With that I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.  I grabbed a glass and the carton of milk, don't know why I grabbed the glass though, I just drank straight from the carton.  I then put the milk back in the fridge and went to the door.

My team had decided to wait outside before we entered all together, so when I arrived I only saw Sakura and I ran over to her.

"Ida, you're early." she stated amazed.

"Yeah, I'm even here before Sasuke now that's just amazing."

"Not much before me." called a voice from behind me.

"Sasuke" Sakura's eyes lit up as she saw him.

"I still beat you here" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He was about to say something else when Naruto ran up.  "Ida ,hey, ready to take the chunin exam?"

I brushed by Sasuke and ran to my blonde friend.  I looked up into his crystal blue eyes. "Heck yeah, bring it!" I shouted high-fiving him.

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