Chapter 28

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Its still surprising about Morgana's behaviour this morning and after fifteen minute she left with John. I called John to ask about how the drive went and I could tell it was great the way he was making small laugh on the phone.

I wanted to make something special, am not really a good cook but I can cook some food that will make you wanting more.

I stepped into the groceries store. I shop a great deal and paid then quickly left. I have a job to attend to by 2:00pm.

It's just someone new in town that wanted some exotic decoration in her bedroom which made me wonder if she's trying to have a great time with the man she introduced me to as her boyfriend.

I drove home shaking my body to the pop song coming from the radio. Just one look at me could tell anybody that am in high spirit.

I placed the shopping bags on the table in the kitchen when my stomach grumbled that I had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

I checked my face in the mirror and rinsed my mouth. I checked my eyes.

Or you are pregnant.

It would be a possibility and just by thinking about me makes me feel great. Having a little Minnie Manny running around isn't a bad idea and I know Edge will be glad.

I didn't fill dizzy. I quickly made a mug of lemon and honey tea.

I sipped it slowly and get to work. I brought out the chicken I bought and rinsed it.

After adding the necessary ingredients I started feeling dizzy so I washed my hands and made my way to the living room.

I sat slowly on the couch and took a few deep breath. I wished my mum was here, she went to town to do some shopping.

I wanted her to have a good time since she's been staying at home since she arrived so enjoying a day after Morgana behaviour this morning isn't a bad idea at all.

The door opened and my mother walked in carrying two shopping bag. She dropped it on the floor and ran up to me.

"Mum, mum." I was startled.

"I had to come home quick, how's your body?"

I wonder how my mother do manage as a human and a witch. She always had to be the super hero of the day.

I could still remember when she had to wake up in the middle of the night. She had to run to the basement and find her old diary looking for a phone number of one of her colleague in college almost twenty years ago.

She found the number and dialed it but it had expired so she did her little magic ending up getting the address and she got into her car and drove to there house.

She took me along since Daniel wouldn't watch over me and my dad isn't at home. He went for a business trip.

I was in my sweatpants and loose shirt while she wore only a robe. When we got there after what seems like two hours ride. It was half past six in.

My mum ran up to there porch and rang the bell and after some minutes the door opened.

"Brenda!" The woman that seems to be in her early thirties said and she looked more than shock.

I could see her expression because I got out after my mother but she seems not to notice me standing next to her.

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