Chapter 34

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She stared at me in horror and I saw a mixture of anger and rage written all over her face.

"Jeremy." She whispered.

"Hi Edge." My voice sounded so weak, it wasn't my fault but have really gone through a lot. "I know there are some explanation to do, I just want to see you one last time before I fade away."

"Really, what makes you think I will listen asshole." She said and turned.

"Please Edge listen to me this once." I begged.

"You told me to leave, you this motherfucker!" She glared at me.

"I deserved that." I nodded.

"You deserved to be in the deepest beyond." Her words cut through my heart and it hurts.

"I know." My voice cracked.

"You this kind of motherfuckers needs to be executed but you are already dead." She turned to face me. Her eyes was full of tears now threaten to drop at any time. "I hate you and don't you ever show your face again!" She turned to leave but I caught her hand.

Her eyes widened as she turned to look at me not believing I can really hold her, tears rolling down her face.

"I know that I hurt you really bad and am so sorry Edge, so sorry." Its my turn for tears to roll down my face.

She only raised her hand to touch my face. "How?" She whispered looking so sad.

"I got frustrated knowing am nothing but a ghost, a useless ghost that did nothing but watched you when you needed me most." I started. "But I blamed myself for being dead and I couldn't even help you in the graveyard and I watch him took you away."

"Him?" She asked.

"A guy with hoodie and a mask, he carried you away and I couldn't do anything Edge." I explained.

"Did you see his face?" She asked absorbing the information.

"I couldn't move and I fell, I didn't get to see his face. When I woke up I found myself in the next town on a bed. A witch brought me there but she couldn't see me, she could only hear my voice I told her I want to fade away and she granted me my wish. I can stay in human form for three days before fading away." I said.

"You this asshole." She pushed me away and removed one of her shoe and started hitting my chest weakly and crying. "You accepted some woman's help but didn't accept mine. You cray cray goddamnit assholemotherfucker."

I knew I deserved the beating and when she was through I pulled her into a hug.

"I wished for too much as a ghost, forgive me Edge. I hated seeing you with Christian, I was frustrated not to be able to touch you. Forgive me."

"Asshole." She muttered. "So the whole school can see you?"

I withdrew from her and collected her shoe and bend over to help her put it on. "Only those I wanted to see me."

"Oh Jeremy." She knelt down and hugged me after I helped her put on the shoe. I made her sit on the floor resting her head on my chest.

"I want you to forgive me Edge so I will be able to live with no regret when I go to the other side."

"But I don't want you to leave, I have many things I want to tell you." She said softly.

"Me too." I drew a sharp breath. "I... I... I... fell in love with you Edge." I said but she made no reaction. "I know that I don't want to watch you have a boyfriend so..... I snapped. I didn't leave because I want you to have a good life without me, I left because I was hurt. Please forgive me Edge." I said knowing how much have lied to myself that she's just my friend and I don't have any feeling for her.

"Jeremy." She whispered.

"I know I asked for too much, I know you only see me as just a friend, am sorry but I just want to tell you what I feel, how I feel about you."

"You have no right!"

The words I just heard nearly squeezed my heart shut as I look at her face it even hurt to look at her.

"Edge.., I know I have no right, am selfish, am just dead, you should go to your party. This life is just torturing me, am sorry for leaving please forgive me." I took a deep breath. I was more than hurt. "You should forget the confession I just made." I whispered and turned because I never realise something could hurt like this.

"I forgive you Jeremy and I can't let you fade away, we will find a way to bring you back without shedding blood." She paused. "I can't let you go because I love you Jeremy."

I feel so hurt and happy that I turned to look at her. I started breathing hard. I never realise that statement could cut through my heart like knife then she touched my face. I pulled her for a hug.

I really love her.

"The witch in Clans town told me that there's a way, her name is Frey but she didn't tell me more than that." I said after realising I can't let her go. It feels so right to hold her like she was made for me, she even loved me.

"I will find her tomorrow Jeremy." She whispered.

I withdraw from her and held her hands slowly and helped her up. "You should get back to the party-"

Her phone rang in her purse and she brought it out and picked it. "Kate.. He's looking for me? I will be right out.... Give me a minute." The call ended. "Will you come tonight?"

"Sure." I said and wiped her tears without thinking I leaned forward till our lips meet, I claimed her lips gentle and teasing, wrap my lower lips between hers and she responded almost immediately.

I withdrew slowly from her and we are both breathing hard. "You have to go."

She nodded and walked slowly to the door and opened it then she stopped to look at me. "Are you not coming?" Her phone started ringing when someone appeared at the door way, it was Andrew holding a phone.

"Edge, I have been looking for you."

"I can find my way out." I said briskly before she turned to Andrew.

"Have you been crying? Edge what happened to you?"

"Just some girls, am pathetic." She said and closed the door behind her.

I waited a few minutes before I teleported to where Todd is, he was walking alone in the street.

"Hey Todd."

He turned to me. "Jeremy?"

"I can't see your date anywhere, isn't it Ashley?" I noticed he was heavily drunk and he had a small cut on his forehead and black eye.

"Jeremy?" He said and rubbed his face.

"You can mess with Ashley all that you want but don't touch Edge." I warned him. "Don't think I didn't see you." I said. Even though I wanted to go away but I have to check on Edge sometimes.

"You are supposed to be dead." He said pointing a finger at me staggering backward.

"Maybe or maybe not but I owe you a few punch." I swing my fisted hand and caught him right on his nose and he fell. "I don't care anymore about who messed with my car but with Edge-" I trailed off giving him another punch as soon as he managed to stand on his feet and he staggered backward landing on his butt as he whine in pain.

"I deserved that but your Ashley was a bitch too." He spatted.

"Yes she was and she still is." I agreed. "Am just here to warn you to stay away from Edge."

He didn't stand up, he only looked at me blood dripping from his nose. "How do you even know her?"

"Have a nice life Todd." With that I walked out on him. I still have some visiting to do. I have to see Emily.

***I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and like.***

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