Chapter 10

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I parked my car and quickly slide out of it closing the door with such force that made a bam sound.

I walked to the front porch and knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately.


"Hi Emily." I smiled. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." She stepped aside for me to come in, I stepped into the house and watched as she closed the door behind her.

"I should have come earlier, you know..."

"That you are not in town and you are just back yesterday." She completed the statement for me. "Coffee?" She took a seat on the couch and I took a sit next to her.

"No thank you, I just wanted to see how you are doing."

"Am fine."

"I came in the afternoon and I saw Edge leaving." I told her.

"Yes she's a very nice friend." She smiled weakly. "You guys talk."

"Yes." I lied.

"Such a girl is hard to miss, she got the biggest eyes have ever seen."

"Huh hmm." I stood up abruptly wanting to escape the  awkwardness.

Emily was my ex even Jeremy doesn't like the idea.

"Do you like her?" Emily asked almost like a whisper that I almost missed it.

"She's just a new girl." I didn't know how to reply.

Emily laughed weakly. "You too will be great together."

"Am sure she already has a long list of people asking her out, am not ready to be number twenty five." I joked.

"That's not a bad idea, I will put in an effort for you."

I laughed. "And why would you do that!"

"Because I know you, you are a nice guy."

I blushed. "Thanks, I will drive you to school tomorrow, is that okay?"

"Sure." Emily said.

I didn't wait for her to stand up before i make my way to the door and within minutes I was out of the house.

Mission accomplished.

I got in my car wondering where Kelvin could be.

I saw him today, he was putting on black and even to the extent of putting on a black sunshade as if he was on his way to a funeral or mourning someone.

Even though if he's still mourning Jeremy he doesn't have to look so obsessed.

And when I approached him earlier he only said hi and left.

I dialed Kelvin's number, it rang four beat before he picked up.

"Hey Kel."

"What's pumping..." He shouted at the end of the line. I know he's been drinking but he wasn't drunk. Its rare for him to get drunk.

"Where are you?"

"At the pub, what about you."

"Just leaving Jeremy's house."

"Hows your ex?"

"She's good, she's okay, you know Jeremy has been some kind of ass" I wanted to retrieve that word as soon as I said it. "Have you seen Todd?" I asked changing the subject.

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