Chapter 7

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Mr Allen.

Seeing her for the first time, my heart skipped a beat and I knew she's trouble.

She's very beautiful that I found it hard to concentrate in teaching. Am sure she just moved in, have never seen her before even though I just got transfered here but its been three weeks.

I was an art teacher from where I came from but I switched to Biology because I can't stand some students getting naked in front of me or joining the art class just to get close to me.

Am very good at Biology but art is in me, I had been drawing since I was four.

Now I feel like a fool wanting to see her again. Its been three days and have only talked to her once. I was walking in the school hall when I saw her snooping around.

"Hi." She didn't see me because her back was turned to me and she jumped when she heard my voice.

"Am sorry I was just going to class." She said and I noticed her hand was shaking.

"And where are you coming from?" I asked calmly.

"The bathroom."

I saw Christian walking towards us and I wondered if they haven't been making up in the bathroom because anything is possible this days.

"Mr Allen."

"And Christian where are you coming from."

"The bathroom, am on my way to class. Hello Edge" He said and left.

"I gotta go." Edge said catching up with Christian.

I could still remember how jealous I felt even though isn't right.

A knock came on my door and the door opened. I raised my head to see above the computer to check who it was.

It was Edge and I quickly stood up. "Miss Gilbert, how are you?" I asked beaming.

"Great, its Moore not Gilbert."

When did i start mixing name with my ex name. "You can sit." I paused. "So Miss Moore..."

"You can call me Edge." She smiled.

I almost melted in my seat so I cleared my throat. "So Edge can I help you.".

"Yes, I came to apologise about Tuesday, I never meant to start shouting in your class."

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