Chapter 9

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I watched as Edge walked slowly away, her mouth moving and she kept glancing at her side.

She's new in town and she's a very interesting girl and I wondered if she's a psycho like they said at school or do she have an imaginary friend?.

Now I have to find out about her whether she's a witch or just a normal girl caught up in her imagination. She's very pretty, the kind of girl I would love to show off.

She had a little temper, Morgana, Morgan, Edge. I really like the name Edge. It suit her, I have to take it slow with her.


Jeremy, I never meant for him to die, I just wanted to break a leg or something and also watch him suffer like how I suffered, he shouldn't have crossed me.

He's very lucky to die like that, i would have love to see him stuck sitting on a wheelchair.

I even planned several tricks I will play when he is hospitalised, planning ahead time is one thing I always like.

I wanted to leave a note for him when i was through with his car but a thought about him reading first before starting the car crossed my mind and that would turn out to be a big problem and it will lead to game over.

Oh wait.

Did game over just crossed my mind when the game as just started.

Edge seems like fun, I have always wanted to become a stalker, now I have the opportunity. Have watched many spy movies and they are awesome.
Jeremy, he should rot in hell, he gave me a big heartbreak and am still mending it, how dare he makeup with my girl as if it wasn't enough, he went ahead with my guy too.

Oh Emily, am just starting with you. Oh Jeremy you have done a lot of mistakes.

I drove down the street, now I have to pay someone a visit and also should have a chat with Edge.

Mr Allen

I stopped the car beside Edge. "Hey, do you mind me giving you a ride?" I asked hopefully after I rolled down the window.

Edge frowned a little bit before nodding  and rounded the car sliding into the back of the car. "Nice car."she commented.

"Thanks but as you can see Edge am not your driver and there's no one sitting right next to me." I said looking at her at the mirror.

"Yes, I think so." She said and highlighted from the car and slide into the front seat.

"Now that's better." I almost laughed at her behaviour.

Her eyes widen. "I don't mean to go and sit at the back, am used to it because of my mum, she had to sit at my stepfather side and I always sit at the back."

"Sure I get you." I glance at her. "Its been long since I fancy someone." I admitted hopping she understand what I meant.

"Fancy? You mean a girl?"

I shrugged. "Something like that." I admitted.

"Why do you breakup with her?"

"Lot of argument." I glance at her. "What about you?"

"There's my house over there, Mr Allen."

I know she just avoided my question. "Call me Rick." I parked the car opposite her house.

"I can't call you that!" Edge exclaimed.

"When we are alone."

"And what's that about, the whole fancy stuff." She said waving her hands.

I was shocked by the way she talked. "I like you."

"I have a piece to give you, am a bitch that's why am called Edge, I don't want to be caught up in a teacher-student drama."

Her words sent a chill down my spine. "You don't look like what you called yourself." I took a deep breath."don't I have I chance with you?"

"Am only fifteen.."

"I will wait."

Edge turned to me. "Trust me am the last girl you ever want to introduce to your family."

"Am not giving up."

"You don't even know me and have been to school for just three days." She opened the door. "And Mr Allen thanks for the ride." She highlighted from my car and opened the back door leaving it open she came to my side.

"And?" I was surprised by her strange behavior.

"I left my handbag at the back of the car so I had to pick it."

I nodded,she should have taken it by grabbing it when she was sitting next to me.

She is really a funny girl, I wanted to laugh but I feel so down casted  no one has ever say no to me and I know a girl worth fighting for is something, now I have to go and check on someone.

***This chapter is a little short, I will try to make it longer***

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