Chapter 26

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I smiled at John who was sitting on the stool in the kitchen eating eggs and bacon and there was also a glass of orange juice on the table.

"Hi John."

He looked so shocked that I thought he just had a heart attack. "Hello Morgan." He smiled brightly.

"You should replace the orange juice with milk sometimes. Its good for the body." I said and brought out a bottle of milk in the fridge.

"Thanks for the advice." He said sounding precarious.

I filled a glass with milk and exchanged it with his orange juice and he looked at me and there was a little frown on his face mixed with confusion.

"There's no poison there." I pouted filling my cheeks with air and he laughed and almost got choked.

"What's going on?" My mother came to view in her pink robe.

"Hi mum, should I make you some toast bread, sandwich or pancakes before going to school." I offered and gave her a peck.

"Morgan." She looked worried.

"You should decide now because John is taking me to school." They both gasped and I can't blame them. "Coffee?"

"Don't worry Morgan go brush your hair."

I wondered how I looked, I haven't brush my hair. What was I thinking.

"Okay mum." I quickly left the kitchen and climbed up the stairs but I stood on top of the stairs as an idea came to me.

I tried to listen even though its not possible but am a witch. I accepted that when I lifted the bottle of water so it was standing in air after my father left and it was awesome.

"This is so strange." I heard my mother's voice.

"Am just sad that Harry left early, I didn't get to thank him."

"When you drive her to school just make sure you make light conversation with her."

"Sure Susan. This milk taste great with this food."

"Let me make some coffee."

I smiled and was glad. I didn't go to my room I went to my grandma's room which was officially the guest room. It was slightly open and she was sitting on the chair facing the dressing mirror.

"Hi grandma." I said in a little voice.

She whirled around. "Morgana." She was shocked too.

"Am sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have talk to you that way."

She stood up and held my hand leading me to sit on the chair she occupied earlier. "Am the one that should apologize, I made rash decision without confronting you first."

I nodded and blink back the tears. "Its okay."

"Let me help you brush your hair." She offered.

I watched as she work through my hair in silence, brushing and putting different kinds or cream I couldn't identify from her suitcase that was on the bed.

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