Chaper 15

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I've always thought my mother was joking about the whole witch craft stuff, even though she said she learnt it and can command the air which was her element. The element she spent ten years practicing and I had rolled my eyes at her then.

She told me about my grandmother that could command water as her element and there's Anastasia which was a powerful witch that could command the three element and she believes there's one witch coming that could do a lot more than just command the elements.

We even did some magic spells that didn't work for me to me it was boring even though i wished to be a witch not because am interested but because I have a list of people I wanted to deal with in college.

Just looking at my daughter performing some magic, she seems to be in control of air and that of the bub should be fire or was it light.

I don't know much about magic but I was taught some things. I should have suspected my daughter as a witch because she doesn't get scared. Even when she was a kid, she held a rabbit and would chase my neighbor's dog.

She had been one brave daughter and I could remember the day I took her to visit my father before he passed away, she had crawled to the poultry and when I finally find her, she was there laughing holding a brown snake, the snake was longer than my arm and I wanted to collapse at the sight of it. Instead I screamed.

The snake jumped out of her hand and crawled away but Morgana decided to chase after it. My father later killed the snake and Morgana was taken to the hospital but the snake didn't bite her and I was more than glad then.

Watching her I couldn't help uttering the word. "You are the one." When she turned to look at me, her eyes isn't brown anymore, it was a mixture of gold and mint, it was glittering as if it was like she wore a contact lens then it slowly drifted to normal.

"It was nothing." She said and I quickly took her hand and made her sit on the edge of my bed.

"I have to tell you something." I forced her to look at me.

"And what could that be?" She said uninterested.

I was surprised to how calm she was. "We are the blood line of Anastasia, she's a powerful witch that could control all the elements, fire, earth, water and air and she could do a lot more than that."

"This not a cartoon." My daughter said with a fake-blank expression.

For the first time of my life, my daughter looks calm and her expression has changed and she seems to be interested in what I have to say then she glance at the door and turn to look at me.

Now I understand why she used to talk to herself she was actually talking to someone. "You are a witch now tell me what do you see, who you have been talking to?"

"Nobody and what's this elements stuff?" She asked probably avoiding my question that I wasn't ready to drop.

"Don't try to fool me, I know you have been talking to someone." I tried to command some authority to my voice.

"Nobody, now do you want to continue the fucking witches talk and tell me, are you a witch too?" She narrowed her eyes.

I know this can result to a big quarrel but I really want to know who she had been talking to. "Am your mother and I can assure you that you can tell me anything." I watched her glance at the door again.

"Is this about who I had been talking to?" She rolled her eyes.

I can't take it anymore so I walked to the door. "I know the person is in this room, here somewhere now tell me who it is?" I looked around.

"You looked funny."

"Morgan this is not funny, at least you owe me that much for not calling you Morgana." I saw a flash of anger in her eyes that quickly dissolved. "You are a witch and am going to call my mum to come over."

"Oh please." Morgan stood up. "I really don't like the word witch, I have better things to do."

"Now Morgana my grandmother was a witch and my mother was close to her." I took a deep breath. "I will call her so she can come."

Morgan laughed and gave me a this-is-so-funny look. "Am not interested."

She was about to walk away when I grabbed her arm. "Yes you do care."

"I don't even know what the fuck I was doing, staring at the bub, bed!" She shouted and held her forehead in frustration.

"Why are you like this?" I asked wondering where she got her stubbornness from and this her vocabulary is clearly from new York, I don't know what to do about the stubbornness, it wasn't from me and her father wasn't like that too. Sometimes i used to look at her and wondered if she's really my daughter, I never understand her even though I tried my best to.

"Like how?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I don't even know you Morgan, I don't know you since you were a kid, I tried my best to be a good mother."

"Are you shitting me, I shouldn't even be listening to this shit."

"Language please." I shook my head. "I know you have been talking to someone."

"Whatever." She tried to walk out on me but I pulled her back. "What the fuck!" Then she glaced at the door and her expression soften but her hands was shaking.

"You will not walk out on me, you already figured out you are a witch.."

"Stop calling me that." She shouted, she started shaking and stares at the open space. "I can't calm down, I can't calm down..." Tears started flowing freely from her eyes but I wasn't ready to give up.

"I will call you what ever I want, you are a witch!"

"Stop calling me that!" Morgan shouted and I heard a glass shattered and before I know what's happening I was lying on the floor.

I stood up to noticed the window has broken. I stood up slowly not taking my eyes off the window.

Did I pass out.

I was shaking, my heart beating loudly in my chest. I turned still shaking only to see Morgana lying on the floor.

"Morgana, Morgana." My voice sounded like a whisper as I fell on my knees shaking her. I held my shaky hands to the side of her neck to feel her pulse but my controllable shaky hands didn't help.

I quickly searched my pocket and dial 911.

"911-what's your emergency."

"Its my daughter she fell...." Tears started flowing freely from my eyes as I gave them the address and ended the call.

"Oh baby talk to me..., Morgana." I cried holding her head to my chest.

The window.

I have to do something to the window before the ambulance come, do I have to say its a burglary but it wouldn't be okay for the cops to be searching for a thief that doesn't exist.

Think think think.

An idea came to me and I placed my daughter's head slowly on the floor and jumped into action.

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