Chapter 16

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Now am at the hospital, I really have to find out about what happened.

Have been stalking her for almost a month, have gathered information on her and my next package that i want to send to her was ready and I parked my car across the street. Watching her house and then my eyes went to her mother's window when the window suddenly broke.

I was shocked but not as shocked as when I realised nothing hit the window. Or was I dreaming.

I was still watching what would happen next when I saw Edge's mother Susan looked around before trowing out a broken flower vase and some pieces too and retreated back to the room.

It wasn't long when an ambulance come in and they pulled out a stretcher running into the house. A cop's car too stopped at the house just as soon as Edge was pulled out on the stretcher, her eyes was closed and a cop slide out of the car. He said something's to Susan as the ambulance drive away.

Susan got into the cop's car and they drove away. I knew the hospital they where going to since its the only hospital in town. I waited for a few minute before heading to the hospital.

No body will ask me what am doing in the hospital since my mother was admitted, she hasn't been feeling well and I don't know the cause of her sickness.

I saw Susan sitting in the waiting room, she was on a call and she frown and dials another number.

I walked down the hall and stood on my track and glace at the glass window. Edge eyes was still closed and a doctor was putting an oxygen mask on her. She must have passed out.

I wondered what happened in that room, I should have done a little investigation before coming down here, at least it wouldn't be the first time have sneaked in her house.

I even watched her sleep once. I was such a fool running down here like that and what do I think I was supposed to find.

I went to check my mum. She was sitting up on the bed and her eyes widen when she saw me. "Hey Shabby."

Shabby. It was the nickname she gave me and I still can't figure it out.

"Hi mum." I said and hugged her before taking a sit next to her. She looks weak and fragile, her blond shoulder length hair was in a mess.

"You remember me today." I frowned. "Don't look at me like that, its only a stomach pain caused by the chocolate have been eating and its gone already."

"Chocolate?" I can't help asking.

"That's what the doctor told me."

"I thought you quit." I cant help the irritation am feeling.

"Its my favourite, I cant just quit anyway you are not there for me."

"Am sorry I wasn't there for you." I felt weak, I need something strong to make me strong.

"Don't apologize, I know you had a lot to do but I can't help the feeling that I could have died."

I nodded and raked my hand through my hair, the way its falling to my face can be so annoying sometimes but I don't have much choice, if I cut it shorter, I cant even imagine how I will look. "Sure have been busy with school, this is not about the chocolate is it?"

"How's the new job?" She asked dismissing my question.

"Its been going good, I forgot the flowers at home." I lied, i had no intention of seeing her but nurses gossip a lot and they would wonder why I came around and not checking on my mum and the chocolate talk that died am good with that.

"Its okay..." She closed her eyes then flung it open.

"Any problem?" I couldn't help asking.

"Just headache."

Before i could reply a nurse walked in. "I don't think you suppose to have a visitor, you need to rest."

"Am just on my way." I said realising why I came to the hospital the first place. "Love you mum." I gave her a kiss and she nodded then I walked out of the room.

I was more than glad that she didn't call me.

I went straight out of the hospital and I didn't know how I get into my car. I turned the key bringing the car to life and drove out of the park.

I took a diary under the seat, I just bought it recently hoping I could write down some crazy things only to realise its one crazy stupid thing to do. If someone read my diary I will be in a bad situation.

I feel so defeated as I parked in front of my house. I found the key and opened the main door. I quickly close the distance between the sofa and the door and I collapsed heavy on it.

What was I thinking, I should have quit, I shouldn't have listen to my mother. I could still remember  how innocent she looked lying down there just like a small child.

My mother had no use of weakness but I can't deny the feeling that am attracted towards her.

She's just came to town and what if she's a witch. The bloodline of Anastasia. Her family seems to be an interesting one. I have to stay strong for my mother I can even ask her to give me something to forget about her.

I touched my lips slightly, my life really seems to be a mess. I don't have issues with Edge but here I am stalking her.

Jeremy is dead and gone and am still planning to hurt Emily one way or the other.


It was really nice for him to die but he feels so alive and I hated that feeling. Have always wanted to be the football captain and he stole the tittle away from me that I even quit football, the thought of him leading was unbearable.

I went to the kitchen and took out a bottle of drugs in the cabinet. I shouldn't have done the surgery, shouldn't have let him break me. I shook a pill out of the bottle but instead I strode up to my room, empty the content in the closet and flushed the content down.

Am not crazy, I don't have to worry that much after the surgery, it was what I wanted.

I land heavily on the bed, I have to see my mother soon, even though she doesn't fill me with anything but I have a right to know before I take my next move.

I went to the bathroom, my shoulder length black hair was a mess and it keeps falling on my face I quickly pulled it up in a messy pony tail. I have to rest now and go and see my mum later.

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. Now everything seems right just by lying on the bed, it wasn't long before I drifted to sleep.

***I hope you are enjoying this story, things are about to get real.***

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