Chapter 6

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I can't believed I just talked to a ghost.

Oh dear, I need to calm myself down.

Holycrap, do they have to look more human.

Even though my hands are shaking seriously but I tried to stop them as I walked trough the hall, I was happy that the bell as rung and the hall was filled up.

I glaced at the back a couple of times only to find out Jeremy didn't follow me.

I stopped at my locker and folded my hands, I couldn't control my shaky hands and I don't want someone to notice.

"Hi." A voice said behind me.

I turned to see Clara. "Hey C." I said knowing my voice will betray me if i call her by her full name and nobody will believe me.

"C." She shrugged. "I like that."

"Hey." A tall guy with curly black hair and deep blue eyes said.

"This my brother Matt." Clara did the introduction.

"Hi, am Edge." I said weakly and was glad my voice didn't shake as I once again glace around but Jeremy wasn't in view.

"Oh Edge, cool, I was in biology class this morning." Matt grinned.

Holy crap.

"Well about the drama..." I feel like he deserve an explanation. "The class was getting boring I wanted out." I said each word between deep breaths.

"That's cool, I wish I can do that sometimes." Matt admitted and Clara laughed.

"Hey guys..." A blonde girl said and hugged Matt and Clara together, her eyes was a bit swollen and her make up is bad but she's very pretty. Her green eyes reminded me of someone.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked and she nodded in response. "Emily this Edge, Edge, Emily." Matt did the introduction.

"Nice to meet you." I said warmly and she nodded and shook my hands.

"Nice hair." Emily made a comment at me which took me by surprise.

"Thank you." I really like her.

"Hi Emily." Another guy with blond hair came to view. "Hi.., am Kendrick."

"Edge." I forced a smile.

"later guys." Clara pulled Emily and Kendrick along with her.

"Catch you later Edge." Matt said and walked to his friends.

"Its so sad.." A girl with a short blonde hair and big glasses said beside me.

"What's so sad?" I noticed I wasn't shaky anymore.

"Her brother, Jeremy died just last upper Saturday." She said gesturing to Emily that was at the end of the hall. "Sorry am Chloe Watson." She smiled.

I almost screamed as I figured out her eyes reminded me of Jeremy. "Am Edge Moore." I paused. "Do you have his pictures?" I asked dryly.

"Yup." Chloe brought out her phone and pressed some things then showed me a photo. "This Einstein, Todd, Kelvin and Jeremy they are in the football team...."

I wasn't listening again as I felt my world spinning, I can't pass out not in the hall.

"How did he died?" I asked suddenly.

"He was hit by a truck." A tear fell from her eye and she quickly wiped it off with the back of her palm

"Am sorry, are you his girlfriend?" I asked suddenly.

She shook her head. "Ashley was."

I nodded when I heard a splash, I turned to see three girls, two blonde and one a brunette and a redhead girl was soaked in what seems like milk.

"It will be good to mind your business." One of the blonde said to the girl that bowed her head in shame. The blonde girl turned and walked away the other girls following her.

The hall that seems to have stopped started functioning again and the redhead girl ran down the hall crying.

Its not new to see something like this. "Who are they?"

"That's Ashley, Jasmine and Natasha." Chloe pointed at them. "You know, biggest girls in school."

Oh really.

"Now she's dating Todd, not my problem, I only caught them kissing this morning."

"Wow, she moved on really quick." I shook my head.

"Worst! Todd was Jeremy's best friend."
The bell rang and before I could say something, Chloe turned walking away.

Instead of going to maths class, I went to the library, I needed to think about everything because it will be a total waste going to maths class because I wouldn't concentrate.

I quickly fish out a slightly big book from one of the shelves, I didn't check the book, I only found a table and open it in front of me.

I wondered where Jeremy could be, even the thought of him doesn't scare me, I only had panic attack when I found out he was telling the truth.

"Hey there." A voice said as a book dropped on the table. "Can I sit here?"

I looked at the intruder, I recognised him as Todd instantly, he's icy blue eyes, raven black eyes and a sharp square jaw couldn't be missed, he's so attractive. "Sure."

"Am Todd."

"Am Edge." I said dryly wishing he would just go.

"What are you reading?" He raised his eye brows.

"Oh." I quickly checked the cover. Holyshit. It was a book about the dead. "This, its nothing." I stood up abruptly returning the book even though is against the rules to shelve the books.

I quickly grabbed an earth science book and returned to my seat not meeting Todd's eye.

"About the book."

"Nothing about it." I opened the textbook to the first chapter.

"You seems shy."

"No am not, am just going through some shits this days." I snapped.

Todd laughed. "Yes you are, you looked worried, what's the problem?" He asked grinning.

I know his good looks couldn't get to me. "I don't, you are the one that has a problem." He looked shocked. "We are in the library and this place is not meant for discussion."

Todd laughed again. "You know what, I like you Edge, can we go out sometimes."

"Are you asking me on a date?" I couldn't believe my eyes.

He shrugged. "Something like that."

Its my turn to laugh and he seems confused by my reaction. Who the hell is this guy that thought he could sweep any girl off his feet.

Thinking about him and Ashley is disgusting. "I have better things to do asshole."

I quickly walked away and I could feel his eyes burning at the back of my head.

I need to find Jeremy, I don't know why I wanted to talk to him so suddenly, I don't even know what I wanted to say to him, I brought out my phone and scroll through the contact list stopping at Cassie's number. I stared at it for a long time before i decided to call her later.

Now I have to concentrate on finding Jeremy.

*** I hopped you enjoyed this part, don't forget to leave your comment, I love reading them, thanks.***

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