Chapter 2

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The door bell rang again, I took a deep breath wondering who it could be as I walked briskly to open the door, it was Todd.

"I wasn't expecting you." I said trying to sound a bit annoyed.

"That's no way to attend to a visitor." Todd raised his eye brows.

"Come in." I quickly pulled him inside and closed the door behind me. I turned to faced him only to be welcomed by a kiss.

"Hey sweet." He said after he released me.

"When will you stop being naughty, Jeremy just died." I pulled him on the couch and took a seat beside him.

"Its been a week..." Todd said pulling me towards him.

"I don't want anybody to see us." I complained.

"And who would that be? Jasmine, Natasha and your mum and dad are always out of town." Todd laughed.

"He's your best friend." I placed my head on his chest. I really love his chest.

"Save me that girl. I realised why he kept changing friends like chameleon, I even want to stop being his friend." Todd complained then he cup my chin and leaned in and kissed me softly. His kisses drive me crazy.

I pulled away. "I feel so sad."

"Yes you should." Todd said sounding annoyed and stood up abruptly heading upstairs towards my bedroom.

"Todd..., I think we should..."

"Now tell me why you are not in school today." Todd said making himself comfortable on my bed as soon as he got to my room.

I wanted to suggest having a break in our relationship because after Jeremy's death have been having mixed feeling like guilt, I know am a bitch but Jeremy doesn't deserve it."I just decided to stay at home." I said sincerely.

Todd pulled me beside him and kissed me, he slide his hands under my cloth working his way up my stomach.

"Hey stop.., stop." I laughed because it was tickling me.

We both stopped after hearing the bell ringing, the bell rang again.

I quickly adjusted myself gesturing to Todd to keep quiet. I didn't know how I got downstairs but I found myself opening the door.

"Oh Ash, he's dead." Chloe wrapped her hands around me as she cried. I was a little bit confused because I know she's talking about Jeremy that died a week ago.

I know Chloe always have a crush on Jeremy but Jeremy only sees her as a nerd that makes him laughed a lot.

"Its okay." I said stroking her back.

Chloe brushed pass me and sat heavily on the couch."No its not okay."

He's been dead for a week, I ache to say.
"Jeremy is gone and am sure he would want us to move on." I swallowed the lump in my throat as a tear dropped from my eye, not for Jeremy but for Chloe. I feel so sad for her.

I really wanted her to leave because once she feels comfortable she can stay for hours.

I wonder how we became friend, Jeremy. It was Jeremy's fault. I can still remember the day he introduced her to me as a lovely friend, his arm was even around her neck and she was blushing and tried to hide it.

"How's school?" I asked changing the subject as I took a sit beside her.

"It was fine, I don't understand why Jeremy died."

Now we are back again.

"Me too." I said trying to sound emotional. "Will you like some coffee?"

"No thanks." Chloe relaxed on the couch adjusting her huge glasses when we heard thump and we both jumped up which make her glasses to almost fall off. "What's that?" Chloe asked a little bit frighten looking up the stairs.

Damn it Todd.

"My cat." I said quickly.

"I never knew you have a cat." Chloe adjusted her glasses.

"Yes I do." I laughed.

"I really love cats can I see it." Chloe stood up.

"He's taking a nap." I said.

"Seems like its awake."

"He's really wild if he didn't have enough sleep, just stay here I will go and check him out." I said pulling her to her previous position and ran up the stairs.

"What's he's name?" Chloe shouted since am on top of the stairs.

"To..." I paused realising the mistake am about to make. "Toby." I gave her a fake smile and run up to my room.

"Hey sweet." Todd said, he's body is wet and he had a towel around his waist, his chest bare. He just took a shower.

Now I feel like wrapping my arms round him. "Keep it low, its Chloe." I said and dash out. "Just a mice." I called on top of the stairs and walked slowly down the stairs.

"I would like a...."

"Have gone to visit the doctor." I cut in. "Have been having headache this days, have taken some pills and right now am feeling sleepy." I lied smoothly because it seems a little hard to take Todd off my mind. That wet body.

Chloe closed her eyes and relaxed on the couch. "I really find it hard to concentrate in class, I just can't think of him being hit by a truck"

We are talking about the dead here.

"Your brother will be back." I said politely.

"I know, have you seen Todd?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

"I have to get going." She said more like a whisper then she walked to the door. "See you around." With that she left.

She's so clinging.

She's really trying all her best to be my friend, now that Jeremy is dead she will see a part of me she wouldn't like.

Me, Jasmine and Natasha the biggest and hottest girls in school. We do cheer leading and Jasmine had a big brain.
She do represent Light hill high in many debating competition and we always win.

And this low life girl that doesn't know how to combine colours trying to mingle with us and even dream of dating Jeremy. I can't imagine.

Now Jeremy is dead, the hottest guy with his friends Kingsley and Todd, girls flocks around him but he has he's eyes only on me. He had a red Ferrari, its so sad he had an accident with it and he's so called best friend is here.

Jeremy sees me as his girl that needed to be cared for but to me we only hang out because Todd is there driving me crazy every minute am with him.


I swing my hair backward and walked up the stairs. Todd was sitting on my bed.

"Never knew she's your good friend."

"Shhhh." I sat on his laps. "Let's forget about her."now I want you to make me go crazy."

"I like that." Todd said trailing kisses down my neck.

All I want is to forget, about Jeremy, Chloe, about everything.

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