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Bea's To Do List #17: Keep everyone out of my business

"What the hell is wrong with the two of you?"

"What's wrong with us?"

"Nothing's wrong with us!"

"You guys decided, for some insane reason, to meddle in my life. You had no right to do that!"

"We just thought that we were doing the right thing."

"Well, you weren't. You were doing the wrong thing."

"In your mind maybe. But I stand by it."

"Just because you don't agree with us doesn't mean we're wrong."

"You confronted Noah! You blamed this situation on him for no reason! You took all your anger over him liking the 'wrong' person and asking Sophie out and just dumped it on him! And now he's all confused and feeling guilty and apologizing to me for no reason."

"Wait, he apologized?"

"Uh, yeah. He's a nice person!"

"Good for him."

"He did the right thing."

"He didn't need to apologize in the first place! Yes, he asked Sophie out and that was awkward. But he didn't do anything wrong."

"He hurt my feelings."

"Unknowingly! He never said anything to me about liking me and I never gave him any reason to think that I liked him. He did not lead me on in any way. Did it suck when I found out that he liked Sophie? Yes. But he isn't to blame for that. No one's to blame for that. It's just a shitty thing that happened."


"Don't Bea me."

"We just wanted to help you. You were so hurt."

"Of course I was! You people convinced me to like him and it turns out he didn't like me back. But you know what people are supposed to do when that happens? Buy me ice cream and watch movies with me! Not confront innocent guys who didn't know this was going on in the first place."

"I guess we could have done that."

"Yeah, Noah is not all bad."

"Noah is not bad at all! He is a good guy who happened not to like me."

"It was kind of unfair to confront him."

"No shit! I have to work with him everyday and instead of just having to deal with my stupid feelings now I have to deal with his guilt and confusion over this whole situation!"

"You have a point there."

"So what do you two have to say for yourselves?"

"We're sorry."

"We're really sorry."


"Do you forgive us?"

"Of course I do."


So no luck so far on the trailer thing but I promise I'll keep coming up with ideas :)

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