Bea: Truce

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 When Mr. Daniels had told me everything that was going on, I felt awful. I never had a clue how bad things were and I had almost ruined it for us. There was no limit to my guilt and I just had to make it right. I would go up to Noah the next time I saw him and apologize and convince him to come back to his job. Easy peasy.

The only problem was, I was kind of a chicken. Sure, I was in charge of a bunch of people every day but I wasn't good at approaching people. I had known Noah long enough to go up to him, maybe, but only if he was alone. And let me tell you, that kid is never alone! I looked for him all the time but he was always with friends and I was not going up to a guy I sort of new in front of his friends who I did not know at all. So I got a little desperate.

And when I get a little desperate, I get a little crazy. There was no way I was going to give up on this so I ended up trying to corner him in random places. The cafeteria, the parking lot, everywhere. And it took a week or so but finally I was able to corner him in the library of all places. It was like we were out of some twisted romantic comedy. I'm pretty sure Nora Ephron is haunting me or something.

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