Madi: Don't Bring Me Into This (Too Late)

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 The theater can get awkward quickly and no one had any idea why. It just sort of randomly happened, like the wind changing. One day everything was good, we were all moving along and doing our thing, and then the next everyone was acting like somebody had died but no one was telling who. We knew it had something to do with Bea, that much was obvious, and we could guess that Noah was involved somehow, but we didn't know the details.

Then, finally, Sophie told everyone what had happened. No one even knew that she was involved but apparently she was involved and she knew everything and she was sort of responsible. Sure, Sophie wasn't exactly the best at staying away from drama but no one saw it coming. Anyway, she told us and some people were mad at her at first (which was pretty understandable, even if I wasn't mad at her). But then they realized that Sophie really hadn't done anything wrong. The person in the wrong was Noah, and Bea and Sophie had been collateral damage.

So Len and I got together and gave that kid a piece of our minds. We told him that it was unfair for him to flirt with Bea (we all knew he was) but ask out Sophie instead. He had been unfair to both of them and he didn't deserve either of them. We were a little unfair, I think. Noah didn't know that Bea didn't know or that she liked him, he just thought that Sophie did and since Bea didn't seem interested, he asked Sophie out. If someone had to be wrong, it was him. But we were a little too mean to him. He seemed really freaked out (not to mention confused).

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