Bea: Added Stress

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 I will admit, as the show went on I started losing it a little bit. Okay, not a little bit. I was never a person who had a tight hold on reality, it just embedded in my personality, but during Little Shop of Horrors I completely let go of reality. I don't know what it was (Noah) but something (Noah) just made me go completely go off the rails and start acting like a complete bitch to everyone (Noah). Anyway, I apologize for my behavior because it was pretty ridiculous.

Even though I will admit that Noah was the cause of my sudden craziness, I don't know what about him actually caused the craziness. He just showed up and suddenly I just had so much more stress. He was supposed to be someone who was supposed to take away my stress, not add to it. But yet, there I was, more stressed than ever.

Many of my friends, meaning basically just Len because everyone else was too scared of me by that point, did their best to get me back on track. But I refused their help and instead continued my rampage. The only thing that could possibly stop me was the end of the show and I didn't want that to happen because then the show would be over. It was this vicious cycle that just kept going round and round. And for the record, I still blamed Noah for all of it. He purposely caused trouble to make my life harder.

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