Sophie: She's in Love

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 Bea is such a freaking liar. We could all tell that she liked Noah, it was completely obvious, we all knew how Bea asked when she liked someone, but she refused to admit it. She acted like none of us knew her, like we were all stupid. But unfortunately for her, we were not stupid. Yes, we are many things but stupid is not one of them.

I did get why she didn't tell any of us though. If I was her, I would have done the same thing. We all saw what went down with that asshole who-shall-not-be-named, it messed her up. That's something people don't come back from easily. No matter how nice and well intentioned and slightly crazy Noah seemed to be, that's not enough for Bea to feel good about guys again. It would take a lot more for her to figure things out. Did I think Noah was a guy that could help her with that? Yes. Did I think that it would be easy for them to figure things out? No.

The bright side was that Noah seemed to like Bea too. Or he was at least starting to like her, I wasn't entirely sure if he knew that he liked her yet. But there was definitely something there. I know how to notice these sorts of thing and there was definitely potential there. If only they would listen to me.

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