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Bea's To Do List #5: Get everything under control

"I need to talk to you."

"Um, what are you doing?"

"You've been avoiding me and I need to talk to you!"

"Hey, lower your voice. We're in the library for Christ's sake."

"Fine, I'll lower my voice. But I still need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"What do you mean about what? About how you quit your job!"


"Shh yourself."

"That's better. So you came all this way just to tell me that I'm an idiot for quitting, is that it? Gee, I wonder why I quit in the first place."

"Oh shut up and let me apologize."

"You're so sweet, no wonder you're single."

"Excuse me? Let me tell you buddy-"

"Let's save the lecture for another time, shall we? Just apologize so I can go back to ignoring you."

"Wow you're so charming. No wonder you're single."

"Was this your apology? Because it's a real winner."

"I was getting to that."

"Please, don't let me stop you. Apologize away."

"I'm very sorry for the way I treated you-"

"And continued to treat me..."

"And continued to treat you. I hope you can find the heart to forgive me so you can come back to your job because we need you."

"We need me or you need me?"

"Does it matter?"


"Both. Happy?"


"So will you come back to your job?"



"Hush, little one, could you please let me by? I let you apologize and now I have to go."

"You're not allowed to make fun of me like that and just walk away you pompous-"

"Hey, hey, hey, let's not ruin the whole apology thing now."

"Oh shut up about that and explain."

"Fine, I don't want to come back because you're kind of mean."

"And you're an asshole so what's the problem?"

"Because you say stuff like that to me!"

"Shh. We're in the library so keep your voice down."

"You're annoying, you know that?"

"And that's why we should create a truce, we're both annoying."

"That makes no sense."

"But you understand it anyway."

"Sadly, I do. How about I make you a deal?"

"Keep talking."

"If you bring me flowers and chocolates I will come back to my job."

"No way."

"Why not? I think it's very reasonable."

"Because I'm not buying you anything! You're not worth it."

"Gee, I'm feeling the love."

"I swear to God, Noah Ramirez, if you don't agree to come back to your job right now I will kill you in your sleep."



"All right, all right, I'll come back but you owe me, okay?"


"Now will you let me go?"

"Fine, whatever. I'll see you at rehearsal."

"I can't wait."

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated."

"And I don't care."

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