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Bea's To Do List #13: Convince Len that there is really nothing between Noah and I

"Why do you keep involving yourself in my love life?"

"Because I'm your best friend... What are you even talking about?"

"The fact that you had Eric spy on me for you."

"I didn't do that."

"Fine, then he spied for you anyway. But I know for a fact that you told everyone about what you thought about me and Noah."


"Don't Bea me. I told you not to involve yourself and you did it anyway."

"I'm just doing what I think is best for you."

"Listen: there is nothing going on between Noah and I. So stay out of it."

"Whatever. But I hoped that if there was something going on you'd tell me."

"There's nothing to tell."

"I'm your best friend, why are you lying to me?"


Hey everyone! Sorry the update is semi-late, I had a bunch of appointments today and just got home so I didn't have a chance to upload it. But it's here now! Hope you all enjoyed it. And if you all have missed any updates along the way, go ahead and read them so this story can reach 10K reads! Remember, I'll post a sneak peak for my new stories if it does :)

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