Chapter 36

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I was currently in the kitchen making some snack for Blake brother. I don't know how many pack he brought over here but I'm guessing he brought his friends over plus my brother of course. I heard the back door open and close so there probably already inside the cabin. I carefully tried listening to there conversations.

"Hello brother" Michael said he probably had a smirk on his face right now. Is he seriously trying to piss off my mate once again.

"Michael" Blake hissed.

"Still hate me I see. I did apologize to your mate didn't I. I keep forgetting you never let things go." Michael said still probably having that smirk on his face.

"Alright Michael I know how much you love to piss off you brother but we didn't call you to start something though I would love for Blake to punch you right in the face and lose that smirk you have. So Ill let Blake explain" ruby said.

"Mmmmm feisty. Hey how about we have some fun later on just you and me eh?" Michael said. I literally want to gag right now. He really flirty with one of my friends especially her mate who right next to her.

"Blake do something or my fist will end up in your brother face" Conner growled.

"Be my guess. Either who the reason why I called you and asked for Julian is because my mate want to see her brother. Does Elisa rings a bell to you?" Blake asked.

"Yes she my sister. Is she okay? Please tell me she okay?!" Julian cries worriedly. I wanted to cry but I hold myself. I'm probably gonna cry once I see him. Am I even ready to face my own brother who I thought he was dead? I thought.

"Well why don't you ask her yourself" Blake said. This is my cue to show myself. I took a deep breathe and started walking to the living room where my friends and brother are at. I came out of the view and let out a gasp when I saw Julian my brother. He I couldn't believe my eyes that he was here and alive. I knew he wasn't dead. He had the same black hair and brown eyes like moms. He was build for a werewolf. He looked so much older. He probably around his 20's or so but he still looks good.

"El..Elisa" Julian stuttered. I let out a sob and rushed towards my brother. He gave me a bone crushed hug, I couldn't breathe but I didn't care. The only thing I care is having my brother back in my life.

"I can't believe your alive" I whispered. We pulled away from each other.

"I'm alive sissy." Julian smiled.

"Why didn't you come to me and find me" I told him letting a tear fall out of my eyes.

"I wanted to sis I really do but I couldn't risk my life knowing the fact that our parent are hunters now. I watched you everyday night." Julian explained. "I could of gone to your school and tell you that I'm alive but I didn't know how you would react. I was a coward and I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you everything but When I found out you and our parents left the country, It was to late. Until now." Julian finish explaining.

"Well now your here. Though I wish you could stay here but I know you have a pack to go too" I sadly said.

"Well Julian can stay if he wants and join Conner pack. I don't mind. Let just say it my apologize gift to you" Michael said. I looked at him with a shock look. So did everyone else

"What you all looking at me like that? I do have a heart and I'm still the same Michael." Michael sighed. "What do you say man?" Michael looked at Julian.

"Well yea if that ok with Conner" Julian spoke up.

"Of course is ok" Conner smirked. "I Conner Evan welcome Julian Clark to the murderous pack" Conner pledge to Julian.

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