A new start.

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Hello lovely readers! ❤️

So here goes the third book of FL. Avie and Eiffer will play a big role in this book and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for the endless support and for inspiring me to write this. This is all for you and again, pardon the errors. I don't have any lap top to write on so I'll be doing it on my phone.

Happy reading and all the love guys!

Blake's POV.

I was sitting across the ever famous Eiffer Chase Caulkins. Never in a million years had I thought I'd meet him, let alone speak with him face to face. He looks way way better than the pictures in the magazine. He looks like a god from the Greek mythology with a strong pull and over the top charisma.

"Ms. Jacobs your credentials are impressive and I would hire you immediately if I had a spot for you here but I do have a proposal." He says with his hands over my resume.

I had a strange feeling about what he said. I don't know if it's what he said or the way he said it that made a part of me somehow anxious. Weird.

I came because I've probably submitted my resume to every company all over the city. It took a month before I received a call from his secretary and thought at first it was just a prank but here I am now.

I creased my brows and cleared my throat that suddenly felt so dry. He was unblinking, waiting patiently and with a gaze of a king who isn't obviously playing games.

"I'm sorry, I.. I thought there is a vacancy thus the reason why I'm here." I said trying to remain as calm despite the confusion.

"I apologize for not being clear from the beginning. Let me start again. I'm in no need of additional manpower but I am hiring, specifically for someone else." He says and I nod in comprehension although of course I still find it odd.

"I've been searching, more like we as a family have been in search of someone capable to do the job under the terms and conditions.You'll be working for my cousin and since you said you don't have any problem of moving out of the city I figured you may want to consider my offer." He continues and opens his drawer, pulls out a folder and hands it over to me.

"Everything you need to know is in there. You're my first candidate, if you accept the offer all you have to do is give me a call directly in my personal number which is indicated in the last page. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to elaborate but I will give you the rest of the day to study the whole thing and I'll be waiting for your response." He says just in time his door beeps and in comes his secretary.

"The board is ready for you sir." She says and Mr. Eiffer stands up without giving me enough time to even say something.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." He says politely reaching out his hand for the last shake.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Jacobs." He says and his smile just gave it all away. I stood up and accepted his hand as professional as I could.

"Thank you Mr. Caulkins. It was an honor to meet you." I say and he walks out as he instructs his secretary to assist me.

He's obviously a busy person since he went straight to the point after his quick 5 minute initial interview. I didn't even have time to show my excitement and time to react to what felt like a quick escalation of things.

I walked out his office while his secretary didn't give me much details, I had another interview just around the corner but I think I'm done for the day so I called in and cancelled the appointment as apologetic as I could and went home.

MINE (Forbidden Love III) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora