A k a s h a

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S o n g : T h e G a t e s - Y o u n g E m p i r e

C h a p t e r XLII
K e n a d i a

"First of all, you should know its a strict need-to-know bases for things such as how we came to be and why. That's something only our House leaders know." Saffron said with a troubled look in her eyes. "There are many theories, but I really don't want to get into that right now." She sighed, scratching her head with a scrunched up nose.

"That's fine," I nodded, slightly intrigued but more interested in the things she could tell me. "Just tell what I am and what I'm meant to be doing and what's happening-"

She once again held up her hand, her lips turned up into a smile, "You need to stop panicking, princess. What's happening to you is perfectly normal." She assured me, "We're not meant to be in our true form here. Your body is simply readjusting to your surroundings. In worlds where magic isn't natural or its hidden, our bodies blend into what is deemed normal."

I released a breath I had no idea I was holding, the relief washing over me in calming waves. "I thought I was disappearing for good." I muttered.

Sure, before it had started happening, I really thought I had nothing left to live for... But the moment I finally felt that petrifying thought of being no more, I knew that wasn't right. All of the people I loved wouldn't want that for me. Even if they didn't know me anymore, I still held the memories dear and without me all of those memories would vanish into thin air. Besides, the ones I loved weren't gone. I could become close to everyone again. I had a second chance and I didn't want to take it for granted any longer.

"Is she turning back into a human?" Viridian spoke up finally, his eyes dark as they watched me. My heart stopped as I remembered how conflicted he was the moment he saw my skin. He didn't want me to be human.

Saffron bit her pink lip, "Yeah."

"Can I stop it?" I spoke up before Viridian could.

I didn't know what I wanted really. Looking like a human would bring me more opportunities. But without Viridian by my side, it just didn't seem good enough. I needed him. It was degrading and stupid, but completely true.

Saffron scowled seriously, her eyes narrowing as she pursed her lips together. She looked like she was trying to not let the words slip. "Think about what you're asking." She spoke softly, "You'd be stuck hiding. You're meant to live and protect, princess. Not hide."

"Saffron, please." I whispered pathetically.

I didn't want Viridian to leave me because he wanted to protect me or over something stupid like that. If he ever left me, I wanted it to be because he no longer felt the same way --not because he felt like in order to keep me safe he couldn't be with me. That was just cruel.

"Stop, Kenna." Viridian ordered quietly, his eyes still looking pained as he watched me.

I shook my head, feeling my chest tighten from the thick emotions blocking up my throat and heart. It was like I was once again suffocating and drowning in my own blood. "I-I don't. You can't-"

"I know." He interrupted me, standing up from his chair and crouching down in front of me on the floor. "It doesn't matter anymore. I don't care what you are -human or not. But for your sake, you should be human. You're not meant to be stuck here." He mumbled, his thumb brushing along my flushed cheeks as his beautiful eyes slowly drank me in. "It doesn't change anything for me. I'll still need you if you're human, okay?" He reminded me quietly of our confession with a determined frown on his handsome face.

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