B l o o d l u s t

134 19 1

S o n g : J u s t S a y Y e s - S n o w P a t r o l

C h a p t e r XIX
V i r i d i a n

"Kenna," I stopped her from walking into the gate by grabbing her arm at the last minute.

Her hazel eyes looked everywhere but my eyes, "What's up?" She pulled uncomfortably at her white shirt before picking at her nails anxiously.

Clearly something was bothering her. But that could wait; she had to go and I had to go find Miguel and make him promise to me that he wouldn't try to hurt her. Knowing him he was probably waiting for her to be completely alone.

"Don't go off alone." I took hold of her chin, forcing her to look in my deadly-serious eyes. "Promise me Kenna."

Her cheeks flushed as her eyes danced with a bright vibrant yellowy-green I had yet to see them turn -it was my favourite colour out of them all so far. She slowly pulled her plump bottom lip into her mouth, sucking on it gently. My eyes were thoughtlessly glued to them as she nodded her head softly in understanding. She began to bite down hard on her lip and my thumb automatically pulled her lip free; not wanting to see such perfect lips be cut up --unless by me.

"Just, don't be alone until I tell you it's safe." I said quietly, my stomach turning in hunger as her lips parted and the blood she had just brought up to them was still visible on her now reddened swollen lip.

My hand loosened its tight grip on her face as my fingers trailed up to her blood rushed cheeks. She was so beautiful. And she smelled like something indescribably delicious. That irresistible sweet blood of hers... I wanted another taste so bad it hurt. I could have just leaned in and nipped that swollen bottom lip, slowly licking up the blood she so graciously brought up for me. I wouldn't make it hurt. I would hold her delicate body as if she were porcelain, tipping up her face and bringing my lips down to fit with hers perfectly. I would kiss her first and it would be slow and soft and she would know she was safe in my arms as she let her lips part -as she parted them for me. My fangs would just skim against the top layer on her lip; she would barely feel it. I'd take her bleeding lip between my teeth and suck on it as any man would during a perfect kiss, running my tongue slowly across it as she pulled me closer from the sensation. That blood would be enough. Just the blood from her perfectly swollen pink lip.

"Be careful, okay?" I dropped my hand from her soft blushing skin, looking away as my own blood rushed hotly in my veins. She was making me go mad.

"Okay." She breathed out, stumbling backwards as she stayed facing me. "You're not going to like...move or anything, right?" She once again chewed on her lip, making me groan quietly in torture.

"No, Kenna. I'm not going to move." My strangled voice once again dripped with my hunger, "I'll see you tomorrow." I promised quickly, taking off before I could no longer resist the pull to those damning pink lips.

I wanted her so bad, I was honestly aching. She was too delicious for her own good. It would get her in trouble one of these days --I just hoped it would be with me and no one else.


Jesus. Solely bloodlust or not; he's perfect. (Please stop resisting, Viridian.)
Thanks so much for reading 💜

Oh my god. I think I'm in love with my own character. I mean I'm not even writing this story anymore, he is. I think Viridian is my favourite character out of all of the characters I've ever made up. Guys like I'm literally in love with him right now. Is that weird? It feels weird. But I love him. Do you see that kiss he imagined? I'm swooning. Which feels weird since it my book... But I swear he's just possessing my hands while I type. Literally not even me. I'm not that romantic at all.

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon