W r o n g

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S o n g : N o O n e - C o l d

C h a p t e r VII
V i r i d i a n

"Lord Viridian," Miguel came into my office with a scowl spewed across his bearded unaging face.

"Miguel," I sighed, getting ready for a lecture passed down from Mirella as I leaned back into the old black desk chair.

Word about my Vampirism must have been out by then. I had let Kenna go knowing what would happen. But I just couldn't bring myself to hurt her. Not when she was crying like that...I just couldn't do it. I mean, yeah, I had drank my fill out of crying ladies before, but it was different with Kenna. I wasn't in my right mind. It was like having sex while stupidly intoxicated: you almost always regretted it the next morning and even then you only remembered some of it. I had never regretted a kill or a feeding and I wasn't about to start. Besides, I could have made her forget anytime I wanted.

I just had to face her first.

I couldn't believe I had let myself get so weak. It was more than shameful. It was something a Newly Blooded would do. Not the goddamn prince of hell. Actions like that made me think that maybe Mirella was right about me. Maybe I wasn't strong enough yet.

"My lord!" Miguel suddenly snapped. "Did you hear me?" His grey eyes watched me suspiciously. He exhaled loudly when I didn't answer, "You are not blending in, Viridian. You've stopped going to classes and now all of the neighbours and the towns folks are wondering about you. You must blend in. Too much suspicion and word will get out to not only to Callidora but to Phaedra too." He eyed me strictly, "Go to school, my lord."

My teeth clenched as I glared daggers at my old servant. I hated when he ordered me around. Thankfully he didn't do it much, but damn, did it ever make me feel like a child again, and I could have really used just a single moment of adulthood.

"Alright," I muttered, shoving the pages I'd been writing on into a folder out of sight. "I'll go."

Running my hand agitatedly through my hair I closed my eyes.

Dammit, Kenna...


I walked through the large black gates securing the university campus. It felt wrong. The girl had already been through enough because of me. Even I knew when I did something wrong. Trying to feed off of one of your classmates was rightfully barred as wrong.

At least right then it seemed to be.

"Hey, you're that new guy; Jade or something!" I heard a voice call to me just as I was about to turn around and leave.

Exhaling loudly, I turned to the girl, taking her appearance in like a drink as my eyes landed on her. Her skin was a dark caramel tone that seemed to have golden specks in it when in the sun. Her eyes were a deep emerald green and her hair a curly mess of blonde and brown. She was truly beautiful.

"I'm Stephanie," She smiled, "You know Kenna, right? I mean, you guys were fighting all day on Monday." She chuckled as my jaw clenched.

She was too casual to appear to actually know anything. But why the question about Kenna? It made me nervous.

"Yeah, I know Kenna," I pulled my hand through my hair again, feeling anxious.

I started walking towards the first buildings entrance, wordlessly letting her follow me. I shouldn't have been in the sun for too long. Since Monday, my tolerance had definitely gone up, but it wasn't good enough to hang out right smack dab in the way of the UV rays and heat. My energy would begin to dwindle again and I didn't need another accident like Kenna happening.

"I'm her roommate," she said, biting her lip nervously, "This might be an odd question -considering you've just met her five days ago- but did anything..." She paused with a thoughtful frown, "-happen between you two? Or maybe to her, that you might know of?" Stephanie watched anxiously as I scowled.

"How come?" I asked slowly.

Was she talking about it? I couldn't imagine someone not talking about it. At least to someone they were close to. Stephanie was probably close to her, being roommates and all. Maybe she was trying to figure out if Kenna was insane.

"Nobody has seen her since last night when she went out alone," she answered slowly, her heart speeding up slightly as she clearly began to worry. "She's just always taking that horrible road alone." Her hands anxiously tugged at her strands as she mumbled the words as if to herself.

My scowl returned as her words finally sunk in. Kenna was missing? What was wrong? Where did she go?

I knew I could find her. Her scent was all over the place; it was really the only one I could concentrate on. Seemed like the desire I felt to feed on her had permanently locked her scent into my memory. I could find her and make it all right again. She wouldn't have to remember. It would all be fixed.

I just had to find her.


Picture of Stephanie up above!
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