P r e y

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S o n g : T a g Y o u r e I t - M e l a n i e M a r t i n e z

C h a p t e r VI
M a k e n n a

Everything seemed to be in a whirlwind. My mind was trying desperately to wrap itself around the very real and deadly looking fangs that were only inches away from my skin. Fangs? I felt like I was losing it. Every thought running through my head just didn't make sense. It all seemed like some twisted fairytale story where he was the big bad wolf trying to eat me.

I could hear myself talk, but it was as if it wasn't even me. Like my subconscious had taken over. I just wanted to run. Except his hands were pinning me so tightly down to the tree I was afraid my wrists were already snapped in half. It hurt.

"Please let me go then." My eyes gazed up desperately into his greenish blue eyes that were glowing even brighter than before.

I could feel myself losing it. The tough act I had put on only hours ago seemed to crumble into dust. I just wanted to cry and beg for him to stop this. What happened to the forest protecting me? I was so alone and so scared.

I could see how conflicted he was, his copper hair hanging in those intense eyes. He looked so tired and conflicted.

Please don't do this to me. Please. Please. Please. Just let me go. Please.

"I don't know if I can." He muttered and I finally lost it.

The tears began to fall endlessly down my cheeks as my knees buckled underneath me, helplessly falling down towards the ground even with his hands on my wrist.

"Whoa," I heard before I was suddenly caught in a pair of arms.

I knew who's arms it was. I knew he was the one that made me feel so helpless and alone. But I still held onto him as if my life depended on it. I just didn't want to be alone. My face pressed into the crook of his neck as I came undone in the overwhelming mess of the whole situation. My brain screaming at me to run and fight...but I just couldn't. My mind couldn't even yet wrap around what was happening. That this was real. Clearly there was no flight or fight in me. There was just break down and cry over my loss of oblivious innocence.

"Please," I whimpered, my hands clutching onto the fabric of his shirt.

His body was stiff underneath me, his arms holding me to him as we stood on the road. "Kenna..." His voice was rough as he hissed out my name like a curse word.

Before I even had time to blink, he suddenly ripped away from my arms and was gone from sight. The only reminder of his presence was the slight rustle of leaves left in his absence.

He had let me go.


Picture of Viri's home office! Just add some curtains ;)
(It's mentioned in the next chapter but I have another photo I need to show you.)
Thanks !

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