F r u s t r a t i o n

114 13 4

S o n g : W o r k S o n g - H o z i e r

C h a p t e r XXXIII
K e n a d i a

I was still mad at him -I was. I was. I was!


"What's your favourite fruit?" Viridian's bright green-blue eyes were stuck on mine as he tilted his head to the side as if it were the most important question in the world.

I guess he hadn't lied when he told me he wanted to know me. He had been asking me random questions for three straight days (and nights) now. Since apparently after I died no one could remember me, I had no place to stay so I had been staying with him. It worked out because his sister found all of these old books and brought them to us via some magical transportation spell.

I knew I wasn't human, and yet, the idea of magic being real was still turning my head inside out. As was the fact a vampire killed me and here I was, breathing.

I frowned at him. He made it so hard to hate him but at the same time all of that pain he caused me wasn't going away anytime soon.

"Wild strawberries," I finally sighed, turning back to one of the large books.

It was bigger than my lap and the pages were yellowed and dusty. It was a truly proper magic book -like something you'd see in Harry Potter. This one was a list of creatures. We were trying to see if we could find my species or even something that resembled me. So far, no luck.

"You're beautiful, you know?" I could feel his eyes on me. It burned my skin. I don't even think he realized what he was saying or doing. "Radiant." He whispered to himself, brushing a finger down my cheek and shoulder as I rested on my elbows, holding the top of my body up.

I kept my eyes on the blurry words in the book, trying desperately to ignore the heat rising quickly to the surface. I was still in my creature form; I didn't know how to turn it off. So I had to stay with Viridian no matter what. I also noticed I had yet to see the butler he had mentioned to me a while ago.

Viridian growled lowly under his breath, "Why are you ignoring me?" He huffed out, his eyes narrowed when I finally looked up at him.

I scowled back, "Just because you're finally trying to do something right doesn't mean I forgive you for all of those other times you've hurt me."

My eyes were captured in his at once, it didn't matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn't. "I know." He muttered without volume yet it was sharp, his eyes flashed with regret as they stayed on mine.

It was so hard to breath when he looked at me. I couldn't explain it; it was like he was trying to see through me and into my soul. And I think my impenetrable walls were starting to crack. I didn't like it.

"Just because you know, doesn't make it better." My voice bit back, my cheeks hot from his hard stare.

He growled louder, "I know! Goddammit! You're such a little b-"

I hissed at him warningly, my fists clenching frustratedly. His hand whipped out and grabbed mine, keeping my nails from cutting into my skin.

"-beast." He finished, his viridian coloured eyes softening.

Everything was hot. It was like my entire body was suddenly restless. My foot twitched under the coffee table I was leaning on and my fingers tapped onto the book. I ripped my gaze off of his as I tried to once again read the characteristics of an Aflebat -some sort of elvish creature.

"Kenna," he purred out my name and a shiver fell through my body. He exhaled annoyedly when I didn't move. "Kenna." He trailed his finger along the underside of my jaw, enticing my head up as he reached my chin.

I almost groaned out loud as he once again speared me with those damn eyes. He was torturing me. If he kept it up with the light touches and intense gazes, I would surely melt away into nothing. And he had no idea. He was so cold; how could he? Did vampires even understand that kind of stuff?

"I only want to help you. Let me help you." He ordered, but it was in a kind voice that once again made me melt instead of bristle.

I closed my eyes, needing a break from his vibrant soul-sucking ones. My heart was doing backflips and my palms were sweating. He was turning me into a 15-year-old girl with a crush. It was ridiculous. I was some ageless creature. I should have been as uncaring as-

My thoughts were cut off as his merciless fingers suddenly entwined into my hair, bringing me forward. I felt his cool lips just barely spark over mine, causing me to part my lips and sharply inhale. His nose skimmed across my cheek as his breath blew coolly along my skin, "You're driving me crazy, Kenna." He groaned huskily resting his forehead on mine as I blushed furiously and lost my head.

But by the time my eyes flashed open, he had already disappeared. I couldn't help but to wonder if it even really happened.


Chapter 33 and they STILL HAVEN'T KISSED. Forget them --I'm driving myself mad. But we must have patience. They are still figuring each other out. *sigh*
Thanks for reading again!

P.s. Sorry if I take longer writing these next chapters. I'm kinda having a personal emergency and thus my mind isn't exactly focused as much as I want it to be. Xx

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