Be Strong and Courageous

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Joshua 1:9~ "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates on this book. I've been out of ideas. To be honest, I have posted some things, but they are more like journal entries that I can express my feelings about. Let's get back into the devotions and verses. Hope you enjoy this one!


Being strong and courageous are things that we out a lot of words into. We always say and encourage others to hold up, be strong, keep going, and be brave, when we really don't do it ourselves. We like to say these things, but we don't always necessarily do it when we are in a similar situation. I get it though, taking my own advice is one of the hardest things for me to do. 

Being strong means you keep going, you hang tight, and you anticipate better things. It is NOT keeping in bottled up emotions and putting on your "tough face" in hard times. Doing those things in order to be strong will only make it worse, and in the end you will most likely end up breaking apart. I'm not going to go into detail, but I'm going through something right now where I try to bottle up my feelings and it's not turning out so well. I'm getting some advice from my friends and teachers which is great for me though. Basically, don't assume that being strong means hiding your real feelings. It means that you accept you feel this way, and you are going to persevere and hang tight, waiting for things to clear up.

"Some times it all gets a little too much, but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up"

A Little Too Much by Shawn Mendes (A/N: Great song by the way! It keeps me alive!)


Leave me a comment about how you felt about this devotion and please vote and share too! I love you all and have a great night! Also it would make my day if you could all read and vote for my Shawn Mendes Imagines book. Thank you so much if you do!


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