Seek God For Guidance

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Matthew 6:33~ But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

    In this chapter, we will go over the meaning of this verse and go greater in depth of it. I hope that it touches you as much as it does to me and that you will use it to benefit your life.

   By seeking God, we are going to him for our tough trials and tribulations. We can still go to family members and friends for help, but we can not seek them for answers. They don't supply the same answers like God does. God has a plan for our lives. He knows our date of birth and the exact day of when we will die and come to be with him. He knows the answers to our problems, which is why we should come to him for guidance.

   When we do come to God and we let him guide us in the right path, He will bless us. God blesses those who truly believe in Him by giving up His Son for us. His Son, Jesus, felt each and every one of our sins, but if you haven't already repented then you haven't come to Him. He will bless those that live life for Him and Him only. Not for family or a girlfriend/boyfriend. Those people are nice to have in our lives, but they don't bless us or contain the answers we need. Only God does. And God overpowers them.

   All in all, when we come to Jesus for guidance and answers, He will bless us and new things will be added to our lives for the better. You have to truly mean it. Don't praise God for a blessing, or He will see past your false efforts and not bless you. Instead bless God, for He has given up His Son so that we can live on this Earth and go to Heaven someday rather than eternal hell. If you ask me, I think that was an extremely generous deed. It definitely surpasses everything I have done out of generosity and you too.

   If you would like a pray request, don't hesitate to leave a comment or message me. Even if you can't think of anything at the time, feel free to message me. I love making new friends and I have already made quite a few through this app. If you don't understand this short lesson, then you can also contact me. If you could, please pray for my troubled friends who have not come to know Christ yet. They have yet to realize that Jesus will make their lives different for the better. I have tried reaching out to a few, but I seem to have been pushed away. Just pray that I can shine to my friends the light of Christ and they will notice something different about me than themselves. A different light that makes me a happier person. And that is what will help them come to Christ. I can't make them come to Jesus, but I can certainly plant a seed in their hearts that they might later look back at.

Your sister in Christ

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