The Power of Prayer

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Jeremiah 29:12~ Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Matthew 18-20~ For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Matthew 21-22~ If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

This chapter will focus on the power of prayer and how praying works from my understanding. I am not an expert on the topic, but I can tell you everything I know.

   Prayer is how we communicate with God. Even though we can't hear Him responding, we know that He is listening. In fact, He knows our prayers before we even say them. That is pretty amazing. In the first verse listed above, it says that God will listen to our prayers whenever we pray to Him. Basically prayer can be about anything. Hardships, struggles, and guidance are just a few examples. Prayer doesn't have to be a fancy ritual. In fact, it is best to talk to God like a friend. Talk to Him like He is sitting beside you listening to your every word. God wants you to come to Him for guidance and support. In fact, it is a good idea to pray before you eat family meals or before you go to sleep. Here is a family meal prayer that has been passed down in my family. I believe that my great grandparents wrote it and it has been used ever since.

Bless O Lord this food to our use, and us to thy service, and make us ever mindful the needs of others in Jesus name we ask and pray.


   To pray, it is proper to bow your head and close your eyes. I am not sure of the significance of bowing your head, but when you close your eyes it helps keep the distractions out. I usually start by saying Dear God. But you can say Father, or Heavenly Father as well. Different religions may have different ways of starting a prayer. There is really not a wrong way to do it.

When you pray, you usually ask for help or strength. Most people don't know that prayer should also be a form of praise toward God. We should praise Him for giving His Son to die for us. I usually say "Thank God!" whenever I get a good grade as a praise for Him. We should thank Him in prayer for a beautiful day or for amazing friends.

   Gathering in numbers is a good idea for praying. When my mom had cancer, I bet hundreds of people were praying for her. With our family, church friends, work friends, and school friends, we had tons of people praying for her health. In Matthew 18:20, it touches on this. It is listed above.

   God never takes a break. He is there 24/7 ready to listen to you. He loves you and He wants you to do well in life. Pray that you may become closer to Him and lead a God filled life. Pray with groups of your friends and become prayer warriors as I like to call it. Right now, me and my favorite teacher are prayer warriors for an atheist in our class. So you can become a prayer warrior with anyone! May God bless you and keep you. He will shine His light on you forever. Amen!

Challenge~ Try praying tomorrow at lunch. Since tomorrow is Monday, that means you will pray at school if you decide to do this. Ask your friends to join you in prayer. If some say yes, then gladly include them. If others say no, then accept it and silently pray for them. Write your results in the comments! God's love to you all! And please please please pray for Paris. They need your prayers more than ever now!

   If you would like me to pray for you or for someone else you know, then please leave a comment or message me. A handful of you have done this so far and it truly makes my day! Thank you all and God bless you on this beautiful Sunday!

Your sister in Christ~

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