'Tis The Reason

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Hello Wonderful Readers!

   I haven't updated in forever on this book because I haven't had much inspiration lately, but I think I have the perfect thing for the the upcoming holiday as of 12/22/15, Christmas. Let's get started!

  Many people, of all ages, remember Christmas as saying 'Tis the season to be jolly. Think about it; so many people are involved in the actual season and activities it provides,  such as decorating, baking, presents, and more. Being Christians, we all know the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. So 'tis the season really doesn't make much sense. 'Tis the reason to be jolly is more like it. The reason being Jesus Christ's birth in Bethlehem. Jesus' birth is a happy celebration because it starts the religion of Christianity and it paves the way to living a successful God filled life and an amazing afterlife in heaven if you have repented.

   Don't get me wrong, decorating, baking, and presents are all great things to look forward to, but we can't let them get in the way of the real meaning. Jesus' birth should be our main focus at Christmas, not receiving presents or extending your Christmas wish list until it hits the ground (haha😂.) Although these things are nice during the holidays, they are distractions in disguise from the real meaning and the truth of the season.

   So take the time to evaluate the reason versus the season and discover the truth. Check out the picture above; it is so true and I am glad to share that with you.

Challenge~ Go on google and search "Tis the season and Tis the reason." The same picture as above should come up. Then share it with anyone you think would like to see it (at least one person.) Tell me how they like it and what they think. That picture really showed me the truth and helped me see everything in a different way and I hope the same for you.

Your sister in Christ


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